“Aye,” she said.

The initial shock seeped out of him like snow melting on the highest peak. Gabriel always wanted a family, he just never thought it would happen so soon.

“How…” he started as Elena dropped her eyes and became fascinated by the designs on the rug.

“I thought it was a bit obvious, the how part,” she said with a hint of rose coming to her cheeks.

Gabe chuckled awkwardly and shook his head. “Aye, I ken the how, I was tryin’ to ask how long ye’ve known about it.”

Elena pulled in a long deep breath letting her shoulders settle. Her body had been so tense for so long, that he almost forgot what she looked like in a relaxed state. She was no longer the rigid statue but softened as she exhaled.

“I think I’ve known for some time now,” she mumbled. “I just dinnae want to believe it.”

Gabriel nodded as his hands twitched. Every limb of his body wanted to curl around her. He wanted to cocoon her in his embrace and shower her with the love she so deserved. But as he stretched his hand out to touch her, she recoiled from him.

“Are ye nae happy about this?” he asked as he stared at her. Elena shrugged and chewed her lower lip.

“It’s too soon,” she answered. “There are so many variables that are running through my mind right now.”

“Talk to me,” Gabriel said as he grabbed her hand, refusing to let her slip from him. Drawing her hand to his chest, he kept her hand on him as he tilted his head to catch her eye. “Whatever it is, we will face it together. Ye daenae have to think yer alone, because yer nae. I’m right here.”

Tears dared to spill down her cheeks. Gabriel wiped them away before she even had a chance to lift her hand.

“This is all too much, ye ken? We’ve barely even had time to ourselves, to get to ken one another. It seems like just last month I was hatin’ ye, and now-” she stopped and shook her head.

“Shh. Tis alright,” Gabriel said to her as he tried to pull her eyes back to him. “Look at me. I love ye. And this child will only be an extension of that love.”

“So yer nae worried about what this means?” she asked as her lips trembled. Gabriel wished he knew the words to say to bring the smile back. Inside, he was thrilled to have the opportunity to be called a father. Yet, seeing her so pained by the news, he wanted more than anything to find a way to make it all better for her.

“And what does it mean to ye?” he asked. “Because to me, it means that the Lord has answered a prayer that I’ve held in my heart since I was a lad.”

“Ye’ve always wanted children?” Elena asked as she raked her hand across her upper lip. A hint of a smile played on Gabriel’s lips as he watched her.

“Aye, I have. But I see ye have never thought such a thin’ would happen, did ye?”

“Nay,” she answered honestly. “I’ve never been like my sisters. They all saw their lives so clearly. But I wanted adventure.”

“And ye daenae think havin’ a child will be the greatest adventure of yer life? Ye do realize that is my bairn yer carryin’ right? Or did ye think that somehow the child would be more like ye?”

Elena let out a laugh as the worry on her face softened. Her mouth opened a moment before she quickly closed it again, trapping the words.

“What?” he asked as he lifted his hand and ran his fingers through her hair.

“What if somethin’ goes wrong?”

Gabriel didn’t need her to list all the different things that could happen during this delicate time. While he may not have had sisters he was fully aware of the servants in the castle and the events that took place. He pulled in a deep breath as he mulled over his thoughts.

“Anna,” Elena started as her attention shifted to some point beyond Gabriel. For a moment he thought her sister stood behind him, but he refused to look.

“Anna had several miscarriages. She lost the baby so many times. And there were times the child…” Elena’s eyes turned darker as she shook her head, refusing to say another word. “All I ken is that there are so many different things we need to be careful about.”

“It sounds to me like yer tryin’ to predict the future and already assumin’ things will go south,” Gabriel said. “Daenae think for a moment that yer fears are invalid. Ye have every right to think such things. But ye cannae live your life by what if’s. Ye have to seize it, hold on to it and never let go.”

“But yer nae the one carryin’ it,” she mumbled. Gabriel’s eyes widened with shock and Elena’s words stunned him.

“Ye think because I’m nae the one feelin’ it move and shift that if somethin’ were to happen to it, I’ll nae be as devastated as ye’ll be? Or that I’ll nae feel pain seein’ ye so disheartened? Nay,” he said trying to hold back his hurt from her. “I’ll nae see ye hurt. I promised ye I’d never harm ye. But if the child is nae given to us and we lose it, I’ll nae blame ye for such a thin’. I’ll stay wit’ ye if that is yer concern.”

Elena dropped her head into Gabriel’s chest and wept. Stroking her head, he wished he could ease her mind and fill her with the hope he had.