“Now that he’s gone,” the healer said with a chuckle. “Daenae get me wrong, Gabriel from what I’ve heard of him is a fine man. But he’s a bit too worrisome. Doesnae make for a good helper. Now, let me get a better look at ye.”

“Am I goin’ to die?” Elena asked as she watched the healer’s eyes shift over her features, looking at her from every angle.

“Aye, I’m afraid ye are,” he said in a low somber voice that rattled Elena to her core.

So that’s why he sent Gabriel away. To tell me the news first.

“But if yer wonderin’ if it will be anytime soon, I can say wit’ all certainty, it’ll nae be this day,” he continued.


“Well everyone dies,” the healer said as he arched his eyebrow. “There is nay changin’ that fact. But ye’ll nae die this day or any day soon I imagine.”

“Then what is wrong wit’ me? Why am I so tired and ill? Last night it felt as if the world wouldnae stop spinnin’. I’d been drunk from mead before and the dizziness was different.”

“Well,” the healer said with a hint of a smile. “That is because yer body is adjustin’ to somethin’ new. Or should I say someone new.”

“Excuse me?” Elena felt her chest tighten and her eyes widened. For a moment she wondered if what she was hearing was the truth or if it was all in her head.

“Yer ill because yer wit’ child,” the healer said once more slowly for her. Her mouth dropped as her eyes shifted to the ceiling.

“Many woman experience similar details wit’ their first child. If I recall, yer maither was out for a month wit’ Ayda when she found out about her fourth child.”

“Yer sayin’ I’m wit’ child?” Elena spoke clearly and slowly as if trying to let each word seep into her mind and take root.

“Well it’s nae poison, although some may think that for a while till their bodies catch up,” he said with a wisp of a smile. “But as far as that goes, there is nothin’ else ailin’ ye.”

“So why did ye ask for the ginger root?” Elena asked as she looked at him again. He tilted his head and stared at her as if to say the answer was obvious. After a moment of silence, Elena shook her head.

“To ease the sickness,” she said more to herself than to the healer.

“Make tea with it, eat it raw, matters nae. Just take a bit of it whenever the sickness comes back and ye’ll be fine.”

He patted her on the hand once more and rose to his feet. He dusted his hands on his long robe and set about packing his instruments and small herb jars back into his little bag.

“I’ve found the ginger root,” Gabriel said, practically breathless. Elena swallowed hard as her mind raced on what to tell Gabriel. Uncertainty washed through her. She knew he had a right to know, and an explanation of why she was feeling so ill. But she didn’t know how he’d take the news.

“Everythin’ alright?” Gabriel asked confused as he noticed the healer packing his things.

“All is just fine,” the old man said with a chuckle. “I’m certain ye and yer wife have some things to discuss without me here.”

“And the ginger root?” Gabriel’s eyes shifted to the root in his hand before looking at Elena.

“She’ll ken what to do wit’ it. Now, for a matter of payment,” the healer turned and winked at Elena, “I’ll nae charge ye. Ye helped save Laird Baxter, it is the least I can do to repay ye for doin’ that.”

“Elena?” Gabriel’s voice was heavy as he moved to her side. “Please tell me what is goin’ on? What did the healer find that is wrong wit’ ye?”

Her heart quickened and raced about her chest. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

“Gabriel,” she choked on his name and quickly grabbed the cup of water to ease her throat. “We need to talk.”

Chapter 28

Gabriel’s eyesfluttered as the room started to fade out of sight. His chest tightened as his hand waved about him in search of something to sit in. Pulling in quick, sharp gulps of air, he found his heart jumping and skipping around his chest.

Slowly, he lowered himself into the chair and pressed his fingertips together as his mind raced. Every fiber in his body popped like he was a log in the fire, ready to come undone. Drawing his eyes to Elena he noticed the panic on her face. The way her brow scrunched and her eyes began to water.

“Are ye certain?” Gabriel asked as he swallowed hard, forcing the lump of fear down his throat. Elena nodded as she moved to him and sat beside him. Her hand twitched as if she wanted to reach out to him, but restrained herself from doing so.