“There are several who are vyin’ for that position,” Elena answered.

“Cannae imagine why,” Gabriel said. “After all, Laird Darragh will pull through and everyone in this room will feel some degree of shame for the thoughts they’ve had. Ye’ll see.”

“That is why I think ye would be better suited for the position,” Iona said. “Ye daenae want it and it’s nae about power for ye, but peace and respect.”

“Like I told Elena,” Gabriel said. “Darragh will pull through and this whole mess will be forgotten.”

“We can only hope,” Gabriel thought he heard Vincent mumble as he walked away.

Chapter 25

“I thinkI’ll go and check on Darragh,” Elena said and pressed her lips to Gabriel’s cheek before turning her back on him.

“Are ye really just goin’ to leave me wit’ yer family like that?” Gabriel mumbled, causing Elena to pause. She glanced over her shoulder and shrugged as she flashed him a sheepish grin.

“I think ye can handle whatever my family throws yer way. Yer very resilient,” Elena said playfully. She couldn’t help but giggle to see Gabriel so uncomfortable. But he knew what he was getting into coming here to be with her.

As Elena moved through the hallways, her mind drifted to her uncle. She had no clue what state he’d be in today and if the confrontation in the hall was any indication of what to expect, her hopes weren’t too high. Pausing at the threshold of the healer’s room, she pulled in a long deep breath.

Whatever the situation is, it’ll be alright. I must have faith. Gabriel is right. My uncle will pull through and the family can go back to the way things were before.

Exhaling, Elena closed her eyes a moment and let out all the stress building in her neck and shoulders. A soft chuckle caught her ear causing her eyes to pop open. She bolted into the room. Happiness and relief stabbed her the instant she saw Darragh sitting upright on his own.

“Uncle,” Elena gasped as she rushed to him. He groaned as she threw her arms around him. “Yer better.”

“Aye, well, it’s goin’ to take a lot more than a few drops of poison to do me in,” he said, patting her on the back. Elena released her grip around him as tears slipped from her eyes.

“What’s this?” Darragh said, noticing her emotional state.

“We all thought,” Elena said.

“Aye,” the healer chimed in as he moved from the corner of the room to Darragh’s side. “Well. It was yer concoction that did it for him.”

“Albert here told me ye mixed up somethin’ special to take care of the poison,” Darragh said. “I thank ye for that, lass.”

“Yer family, it is the least I could do.”

“Does this mean yer nae mad at me anymore?”

“Nay, I’m nae mad,” Elena said. “But I should go and tell the others the good news. They were just at each other’s throats in the dining hall. Ye should have seen it. I thought the family was about to tear itself apart.”

Darragh chuckled as he shook his head. “That is how they always are. Who was the one to settle it though?”

“Gabriel,” Elena answered as she studied her uncle’s face.

“Ye daenae say,” he mumbled and Elena could see he was impressed.

“Let me go fetch Maither, she’ll be wantin’ to talk to ye, I’m sure,” Elena said as she kissed her uncle on the forehead and rushed back to the hall.

Weaving through the crowd, Elena finally found Gabriel with her mother chatting as if they were conspiring against the crown.

“Darragh is awake,” Elena whispered into Iona’s ear. Her mother’s eyes closed as the weight of the world drifted off her shoulders.

“Thank the heavens,” Iona said. Gabriel hugged Elena tightly as he noticed eyes drifting to them with expectation and concern.

“Laird Darragh lives,” Gabriel announced. The room erupted into a cheer as Elena reached for her mother and hugged her tightly.

“Quickly, make ready for a hunt. We must celebrate this momentous occasion,” Gabriel announced as Elena found Anna in the sea of faces. While everyone else was overcome by the news, it was clear Anna wasn’t nearly as pleased.