“Can say the same for the Laughlins too, aye,” the thin man said with a sneer.

“What is goin’ on here?” Vincent asked as Gabriel glanced at Elena. She shrugged as they inched closer to the commotion.

“I have twelve cattle that’s gone missin’ and I ken they stole them,” Laughlin grumbled as he stepped closer to the thin Callaghan.

“Is this true?” Vincent asked Callaghan as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the two men. Gabriel’s eyebrow arched at seeing the way Vincent stood between the two families. He looked as if he were trying to dominate them. Gabriel shook his head as he grabbed Elena by the arm.

“Best leave this be,” Gabriel warned as worry flashed across Elena’s eyes.

“Nay, they are the theives and liars. Everyone here kens they daenae belong wit’ the Baxters. I daenae understand how Laird Darragh allowed them to come within spittin’ distance of this place.”

“Are ye sayin’ we’re nae good enough to be here? It is yer family that’s caused mine to suffer, all ye do is steal my cattle and have the gull to tell me I’m lyin’ about it.”

Before anyone could say another word, the families were intertwined as fists flew through the air. Elena gasped as she stepped back, watching the madness.

“This is nay way for grown men to act,” Gabriel mumbled as his eyes shifted to Vincent. Vincent tried to keep the peace, but it was clear none of the family respected him enough to listen.

Gabriel shook his head and stepped onto the tabletop. He shoved two fingers into his mouth and blasted a whistle so loud that everyone instantly ceased to look at him. Pursing his lips into a tight line, he glared at the men around him.

“What is wrong wit’ ye? Have ye all gone mad? Laird Baxter may very well be on his death bed and yer out here causin’ this sort of fuss? Shame on ye all. Yer nay better than a pack of wild bairns.”

“He started it,” Laughlin said, pointing a stiff finger at his opponent.

“I daenae care who started this,” Gabriel said, jumping down from the table. “But I’m goin’ to finish it right here and now.”

“And just who do ye think ye are?” Laughlin growled as Gabriel approached him. Arching his eyebrow, Gabriel’s face turned to stone.

“The question ye should be askin’ yerself is who do ye think ye are. Are ye the kind of man who likes to poke a bear? Or are ye the kind of man who kens when to keep his mouth shut and ears open? Now, I understand tension is high and things are out of balance right now. Does that give ye all free rein to act and do as ye please?”

Laughlin and Callaghan glared at each other a moment before releasing each other.

“Now,” Gabriel crossed his arms and scanned the room. “I propose ye take two from each family and search the pastures around yer homes. And swear there will be nay interference from either family. If ye happen to have found cattle in yer opponent’s fields, yer allowed to take only yer cattle back. If there is more than five stolen from either side, then I say that amount will be taken from yer own stock.”

“And what authority do ye have to make such claims?” Laughlin asked as he lifted his head to meet Gabriel’s eye.

“Mine,” Iona said. Her voice carried through the dining hall. “Gabriel McAllister is family and clearly has a head for leadership. Ye’ll do as he says.”

The men surrounding Gabriel mumbled amongst themselves for a moment before giving stout nods. Gabriel watched as the families picked two men to go out and scour the fields for the cattle.

“Ye have a way wit’ men,” Iona said as she moved next to him. Gabriel shrugged as he glanced at Elena. “They respect ye.”

“Tis nae me they respect,” Gabriel said with a wink.

“Aye, it is,” Iona said as Vincent shoved his way through the crowd making his way to Gabriel.

“Well, ye make quite the impression on people,” Vincent said as he stood a bit straighter next to Gabriel.

“That he does,” Elena said with a smirk.

“Perhaps, Vincent, ye might have competition,” Iona said. Confusion washed through Gabriel as he exchanged a glance with Elena. She shrugged looking just as confused as he felt.

“What is yer maither talkin’ about?” Gabriel asked Elena.

She leaned in closer, “Maither has been tryin’ to figure out who should take over as Laird for the Baxter clan should anythin’ happen to Darragh.”

Panic shot through Gabriel as he scanned the room. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever want such a thing. As his mind raced and his eyes shifted, he spotted Anna in the corner of the room. Her cheeks were bright red, and her lips pursed. It was clear by the malice in her gaze she was not happy.

“And I take it Vincent has his hat in the game?” Gabriel asked in such a hushed tone to Elena that he wondered if she heard him at all.