“I can imagine,” he said, stroking her hair.

“The poison in uncle’s arm seems to be coming out.”

“And I take it, it was yer herbs and concoctions that allowed that to happen?”

“It was,” she said as her fingers brushed over his bare chest, exciting him.

“I ken ye would find the answers ye needed.”

“He’s still nae fully well. He’s nae yet opened his eyes, although the wound is much better.”

“He’ll come around ye’ll see. And then the whole family will be able to rest easy.”

“I hope yer right,” Elena said as she kissed his chest. Gabriel couldn’t help but smile to have her close again. A part of him wondered if being with her family would cause her to revert to her old self and was pleasantly surprised to see her in such high spirits.

“It has been a very long day for both of us,” Gabriel said as he ran his fingers through her hair. Elena nodded and exhaled slowly. By the way her arm drooped over him, he already knew she was on the verge of sleep. Crooking his neck, he pressed his lips to the top of her head.

“Sleep, my love, I’ll see ye in the mornin’.”

* * *

The morning seemed to come too quickly. Gabriel’s arm tingled as Elena’s head remained resting on it, cutting off the blood flow. As his arm went limb, he wondered if he should slip out or let her sleep.

The moment he shifted, Elena shot up. “I’m awake. I’ll help.”

“Easy, love,” Gabriel said with a chuckle. “There is nay danger here.”

Elena’s sleepy eyes drifted to him and she flashed him a little smile. “Ye are here.”

“Where else would I be?”

“I thought I was dreamin’,” she said, stretching the sleep from her bones.

“Well, then, I take it the dream was a pleasant one?” Gabriel asked as Elena moved to the edge of the bed. He watched as she climbed out and began dressing. Although he wanted to spend some time with her alone, he understood the urgency.

“Aye, that it was,” she said over her shoulder as she piled her hair on top of her head, showing off her long neck.

“I wish I could stay in bed wit’ ye all day,” Gabriel said as he threw the blanket off him.

“I’m sorry,” Elena said.

“Daenae say another word,” Gabriel stated. “I ken why we cannae. Ye go and take care of yer uncle.”

“Do ye suppose we can have breakfast first before I run off to the healer?” she asked. He could hear the sorrow in her voice. It was clear she too was having difficulties letting him go.

“If that is what ye want to do,” he said as he dressed.

“It is,” she said as she moved around the bed and planted a kiss on his cheek. Gabriel shrugged bashfully.

“We should go then, I have a feelin’ it’ll be a very busy day.”

Gabriel followed Elena out of the room and walked with her down the hallway. She held onto his arm as they made it to the dining hall. Rough voices rose over the normal chattering catching Gabriel’s immediate attention. Like everyone else in the room, the noise drew a crowd of concerned clansmen.

“Yer a thief,” a heavy-set man growled as he shoved a thinner man causing both families to rise to protect the others.

“Easy now, lads,” Vincent said as he weaseled into the thick of the argument. “What is goin’ on here?”

“Should ken never to trust a Callaghan,” the heavy man snapped.