Quickly, Elena focused on her uncle’s shoulder, reapplying the ointment she had made and changing up the dressing. The tension in the room grew heavy, making it hardly bearable to be in there. With Anna and Vincent speaking in hushed tones, Elena suddenly felt like an outsider.

“I trust ye can look after uncle for a moment or two?” Elena asked, hoping for any excuse to leave.

“Aye, I can,” Anna answered.

Elena slipped by Vincent quietly and made her way to the dining hall. Weary from lack of sleep, and hungry, she found herself following the aroma of food drifting through the hallways.

He’ll be fine. Uncle will pull through. The concoction is workin’. Just need to give him a bit of time is all.

“Elena, dear,” Iona’s voice was soft and delicate as Elena stopped in the hallway. “Maybe ye should rest now. The family can look after him now.”

Bobbing her head, Elena realized she hadn’t slept a wink in nearly two days. Her body was weak and her head foggy.

“Aye, maybe yer right,” Elena said as she fought back a yawn. “But will ye go and check on Anna? I think she is fightin’ with Vincent.”

“Vincent isnae here,” Iona said as she tilted her head and stared at Elena for a moment.

“I just saw him,” Elena said. “He’s in the healer’s room. Isnae he?”

Chapter 24

“Gabriel,”Iona smiled as he pulled on the reins and slipped off his saddle. He couldn’t help but return the gesture as she pulled him into a hug. “We thought ye werenae comin’ for some time.”

“I got my work done early,” he answered. “How is Elena? Is she alright? And Darragh?”

“I’ll let her explain,” Iona said. “Elena has been wit’ him from the moment we arrived and I’m certain she’ll be thrilled at seein’ ye.”

Gabriel glanced to the horizon. With twilight mingling with the dark purples of night, his heart longed to see his wife.

“Were may I find her?” Gabriel asked as he started for the steps.

“In her old room of course,” Iona said with a wink. “If she isnae there, she’ll be wit’ the healer.”

“I’m sure I’ll find her,” Gabriel said as he started up the steps and entered the castle. It seemed like a lifetime ago since he stepped foot inside the Baxter’s castle. Yet, nothing had changed. Everything remained as gloomy as before. He couldn’t help but wonder if the gloominess was due to the people that occupied the castle, or if it was just that way naturally.

Voices rose and fell around him as he made his way to Elena’s room. It was the room he was very familiar with and he couldn’t help but find himself moving faster down the hallway to get to it. Stopping at the doorway, he debated whether or not to knock or just barge in. Pressing his ear to the door he strained his ear to listen for any lingering signs she was in there.

When he heard nothing, he stepped into the room and found it empty.

Scanning the room, his heart pounded in his chest as he heard her voice. A playful smile drew across his lips as he quickly closed the door and rushed to the bed. Pulling off his shoes, and other clothing, he piled his belongings under the bed and slipped under the blankets just as the door opened.

“What a day,” he heard Elena mumble. Gabriel held back his laugh as he remained as still as possible, wondering when she would notice the lump in her bed. The bed sank under her weight as he dared to peek over the blankets a moment.

He found her absolutely preoccupied and stunning. Although it had only been a few days since he had last seen her, it felt as if his eyes were falling on her for the first time.

Elena took a long deep sigh as she peeled off the various layers of her clothes and pulled back the blankets.

“Do ye always get into bed wit’ strange men?” Gabriel asked. Elena cupped her hands over her mouth to stop the scream. Her hand flew out to smack him as he laughed. The second she realized it was him, she rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck.

“Oh, Gabriel, ye’ve made it,” she said, showering him with kisses.

“I’m sorry it took so long, my love,” he said as he pulled her to him and kissed her hard.

“I’m just glad yer here now.”

“How is yer uncle doin’?”

Elena snuggled into him and released a sigh. “It’s been a weary few days.”