“What?” Iona and Elena shot up as Gabriel stood. He grabbed Elena by the shoulders as Jacob took off running to the stables.

“Yer uncle needs yer help. Do ye think ye can rise to the occasion?” Gabriel asked as Iona cupped her mouth with her hand.

“Aye,” Elena said with a stout nod. Gabriel couldn’t help but feel pride swelling in him as he looked at her.

“Get yer things ready then, ye must leave tonight. Every moment counts in matters such as these.”

“What about ye?” Elena asked. “Are ye nae comin’?”

“I’ll be there in a few days. There are things I must do here first. But I will be there for ye as soon as I can.” Gabriel pressed his lips to her forehead and sucked in a deep breath. He wished with all his might he didn’t have to send her away. But out of everyone in her family, she was the best choice to help save a life.

“Come,” Iona said, grabbing Elena by the arm. “Gabriel is right. We cannot tarry.”

Within the hour the carriage was prepped, Elena and her mother had their belongings packed and stood at the front door. Gabriel looked out into the night as he forced back the worry.

“Jacob will ride wit’ ye,” Gabriel said. “Ye’ll be in the best hands I can provide. Now go. I’ll be there soon.”

Elena stole one last kiss from Gabriel before following her mother to the carriage. It broke Gabriel’s heart to see her off. After all, it felt as if he had just got her, now he was letting her go. He stood in the doorway as the lamp on the carriage was lit.

“I’ll take care of them both,” Jacob promised as he patted Gabriel on the shoulder.

“Keep yer eyes open,” Gabriel warned. “And daenae stop till ye get there. Do ye understand? There is somethin’ nae right about all this. Drink only wine from yer pouch and double check the food. Poison is nay laughin’ matter.”

“I’ll be vigilant,” Jacob swore as he mounted his horse. Gabriel watched helplessly as the carriage disappeared into the night.

His chest tightened as his heart sank. “Lord go wit’ them and protect them.”

Chapter 23

“It’ll be alright,”Iona said as Elena stared out the window into the darkness. “Yer uncle is a tough man. He’ll pull through, I ken it.”

“How did this even happen? Poisoned? Who would do such a thin’?”

“I daenae ken,” Iona said with a heavy sigh. “But we daenae ken all the details yet. We have to be patient. Perhaps by the time we get there he could already be out of the woods.”

Elena pursed her lips into a tight line as her mind raced over all the information she had read in her books. Of all the things she knew about plants, she was certain there was something out there that could help her uncle if they reached him in time.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she rubbed her clammy hands over the fabric of her dress. A part of her wished more than anything to have Gabriel there with her. He always knew what to say to calm her and encourage her. But the further away they traveled from him, the bleaker things appeared.

There was no rest for her as the carriage moved swiftly through the terrain, racing toward the Baxter clan. She tried to rest so that she would be at her best upon getting there, but each time she closed her eyes, all she saw was her uncle’s face writhing in pain.

“Maither,” Elena reached out for her mother’s leg as the morning light peered through the trees. Her heart skipped and sputtered as she saw her family’s home coming into view. In the back of her mind, she knew she would have to thank the driver for getting them there safely. Although she also knew Gabriel would rain down brimstone if anything happened to her or her mother on the way.

“Maither, we’ve arrived,” Elena said as Jacob peered into the window to announce their arrival.

“Go and tell the castle we will be there soon,” Elena said as Iona stirred. Iona stretched the weariness from her bones as she looked at Elena.

“I’m sorry, M’Lady, but Gabriel will nae like it if I leave ye now. I’ll see ye to the gates,” Jacob said as Iona moaned. Elena watched her mother’s eyes flutter open.

“Did ye get any sleep?” Elena asked as she noticed the dark circles lingering under her mother’s eyes. Iona shook her head.

“Been prayin’ most of the night,” Iona answered. “Suppose I’ll see if that did any good.”

It seemed to take forever to get to the castle. Elena’s foot rapped on the floor of the carriage, eager to escape and get to work. With no sleep and fueled by her worry, the moment the carriage stopped, Elena pushed through the small door.

“Ye made it,” Isobel said as she came rushing down the steps to welcome Elena and Iona.

“What happened?” Elena asked, pulling away from Isobel.