“Mother,” Elena’s cheeks darkened as her eyes widened. It wasn’t something Gabriel or Elena had thought much about. As for Gabriel he didn’t care either way and left the choice to Elena. If she wanted to have bairns running about, that was entirely up to her. He’d welcome them, certainly, and he always considered trying to have kids the fun part of it all.

“Well?” Iona asked as she arched an eyebrow. “Ye and Isobel are the only two left and Isobel isnae married yet. Although, I’m guessin’ she might be sooner rather than later.”

“And why do ye say that?” Elena asked as she looked at the half-eaten food on her plate.

“Yer sister has caught the attention of several fine men,” Iona said with a wink. “Seems she’ll have her pick come next season.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes and let out a long huff. The idea of the spring festivals coming back around gave him a headache. “Will ye nae let her have a say in it?”

“Oh as ye did wit’ me?” Elena asked. Gabriel couldn’t tell if she was serious or teasing. But the look in Elena’s eyes suggested he not press the matter.

“Isobel will be suited wit’ the best match for her, as were all my girls,” Iona answered.

“Do ye nae think she could marry for love? Or is that a foreign concept that my family seems to want to dismiss?” Elena asked as she poked at the food on her plate.

“We all ken ye dinnae like Gabriel before the weddin’, but look at ye now. The two of ye could take on the world if ye had to. Ye learned to love one another as will Isobel when she is paired with a match.”

“I think wit’ as much land and resources the Baxter clan has, at least one of us should be able to marry for love,” Elena said as her shoulders dropped. Gabriel pulled in a long deep breath and reached for her hand. He cupped her hands into his and stared at her until she brought her eyes to him.

“I am sorry for the way things had to happen. I am sorry, truly, that ye felt tricked into marryin’ me. But ye ken of the conditions and where ye might be now had it nae been for me.”

“I ken,” Elena said as she forced a smile. “And I thank ye for that. Truly. Ye have done nothin’ but save me from the very beginnin’.”

“What are ye two talkin’ about?” Iona asked as she nibbled on a small piece of bread.

“Did ye nae ken who uncle was to marry me off too?” Elena asked as she turned her attention to her mother. Iona shook her head. It was clear by the expression on her face that she had no clue what Darragh was up to.

“Elena here was nearly married off to Laird Deacon.”

“She was nae,” Iona gasped. The small glass in her hand rattled and tipped a bit as shock pricked her.

“Aye, I was,” Elena said. “But I’m surprise ye dinnae ken that.”

“Yer uncle is the Baxter’s chief, what he say goes. But I never thought he’d stoop so low.” Iona stretched out her hand to Gabriel. There was pity in her eyes that he did not expect to see.

“Thank ye for steppin’ into the position,” she said, patting his hand.

“Well, it was nae entirely selfless,” he answered. “I’ve wanted yer daughter for some time, and now…”

“She is all yers. Heart, soul and body. I see that all too clearly now. And might I say, ye two will have handsome children, if ye ever decide to do that.”

“Maither, enough wit’ the bairns. It’ll happen if and when it happens. Only God can provide such a thin’.”

“Daenae I ken it,” Iona said, leaning back in her chair. “I pray ye have sons though.”

Before Gabriel could agree, he spotted Jacob in the corner of his eye rushing into the room. Jacob’s face was white despite the dirt lingering on his face.

“Jacob, what are ye doin’ here? I thought ye were wit’ Isobel and Anna?” Gabriel asked, tossing his napkin onto the plate. Jacob rushed to his side instantly as Iona and Elena exchanged a concerned glance with one another.

“Laird Baxter has fallen ill, M’Laird,” Jacob whispered as he pulled a sheet of paper from his pocket and handed it to Gabriel.

“Is everythin’ alright?” Iona asked as Gabriel began reading it. His heart sank as he glanced at Elena.

“Ye both must make ready immediately,” Gabriel announced. “Jacob, get the carriage ready as the women gather their things.”

“What is goin’ on?” Elena asked, worry filled her eyes as her face went stone cold.

“It is yer uncle,” Gabriel explained. “He’s been injured and accordin’ to the letter, the healer believes poison is involved.”