“The Lady’s maither,” Emily fumbled over her words and choked on each syllable as she spoke. “She’s come for a visit.”

“What?” Elena felt her blood run cold as she glanced at Gabriel.

“Yer maither, M’Lady, she has come to pay ye a visit.”

“Aye, I heard ye the first time,” Elena said, shaking her head. What was she going to tell her mom about her appearance in the study? Or her actions for that matter. Being with Gabriel allowed her freedoms she never thought possible. But something felt off. She knew by Anna’s reaction to how she lived that surely her mother would feel the same way.

“Ye best get dressed, love,” Gabriel said. “I daenae think yer maither will take too kindly to meetin’ ye in yer present condition.”

“What am I goin’ to tell her?” Elena gasped as she stripped the bearskin rug off Gabriel to use to cover her own shame.

“Ye daenae have to tell her anythin’ ye daenae want to,” he said. “Remember, yer the Lady here. Nae her. Ye tell her as much or as little as ye like.”

“Right,” Elena said as she felt her chest tightening. Slowly, she rose to her feet, taking the rug with her. There was no way for Elena to ignore Gabriel’s soft chuckle behind her. It was clear he was finding the whole situation amusing.

“Tell my mother I will meet her in the sittin’ room shortly,” Elena said as she inched by Emily, hoping the servant wasn’t watching her for too long.

Elena rushed through the castle clinging to the bearskin. She scrambled up the stairs and only exhaled the moment she was safe behind her bedroom door. Dropping the bearskin, she hurried to dress as reasons of why her mother came coursed through her mind.

Doing her hair and making herself as presentable as she could, Elena made it back down the stairs. In the corner of her eye, she noticed the smirks the servants flashed as she passed them. Embarrassment washed through her. She found the room to be a bit too small.

“As always, Iona, it is a pleasure to see ye.” Gabriel’s voice drifted through the hallway as Elena made her way to the sitting room.

“How is it ye let yer wife sleep so late?” Iona asked. Elena closed her eyes and pursed her lips into a tight line. She knew her mother always had her up by the crack of dawn, explaining to all her children the importance of being an early riser.

Exhaling slowly, Elena opened her eyes ready for whatever ire her mother would spew at her.

“She does as she pleases,” Gabriel answered. “I am nae her slave driver, I am her husband. Besides I find the more sleep one gets, the better they are at the daily tasks.”

“It’s a wonder anythin’ gets done around here at all.” Elena could hear the irritation in her mother’s voice. Just the small bit Iona dished to Gabriel was enough to make Elena’s skin crawl.

“See,” Gabriel said. “The servants get the rest they need, the house still is in order, and everyone is happy. Why force them up at the crack of dawn when they are half asleep and arenae focused at the task at hand? I think it makes for a better servant if they are well rested.”

“Yer the Laird,” Iona said as Elena stepped into the room. Elena found Gabriel’s eyes on her the instant she entered the room. It was as if he could sense her lurking at the doorway.

“Well, wit’ all the talk of gettin’ enough sleep, seems too much has the opposite effect,” Iona said as she scanned Elena from head to toe. “Ye look as if ye havenae slept in days. Are ye alright?”

“I’m fine, maither,” Elena said as she moved to her mother and pulled her into a hug.

“Ye look absolutely worn out,” Iona said. The coughing fit Gabriel found himself in didn’t help ease Elena’s weariness. She knew very well he was stifling his laughter as images of last night flashed into both their minds.

“Well, if ye’ll excuse me,” Gabriel said as he walked to the door. “I’ll let ye two get reacquainted.”

The instant Gabriel disappeared in the hallway, Iona’s fingers curled around Elena’s arm. She glared deep into her daughter’s eyes as if searching for something.

“Tell me yer alright?” Iona whispered with panic in her tone. Elena flashed her a huge smile and nodded.

“I promise, I’m fine. I’m better than fine, I’m happy.”

“Yer sister tells me otherwise,” Iona said, releasing her grip around Elena’s arms.

“And what exactly have ye heard?”

“Anna sent a letter to me the first night she arrived. She explained how she believes things are nae well here and that Gabriel is cruel.”

“That is the furthest thin’ from the truth,” Elena said with a smirk as she took a seat on the small couch. “Gabriel and I are well.”

“Yer sister doesnae believe ye’ve consummated the marriage. Is this true? Has he nae come to ye?”