“Aye, that’s what I thought,” Gabriel said. “Go then, and see if ye cannae woo that young woman. I’m sure she’ll find ye a better match than whomever her uncle has picked out for her. Lord kens that man is nay matchmaker.”

“Are ye sure ye daenae want me to stay?”

“Aye, I’m sure. Now go.” Gabriel turned his attention back to the list he was creating as Jacob left the room. As Gabriel stared at the notes, the giddiness swelling in him seemed to spread over every aspect of his being. Leaning back, he glanced at the door. Matthew rushed into the room. The tall, slender, mouse of a man bowed fearfully before Gabriel.

“M’Laird,” Matthew said, keeping his eyes to the ground.

“Are ye the one who played the harp at the Winter Solstice last year?”

Matthew swallowed hard as he ripped his hat from his head and began fidgeting with it. “Aye.”

“Excellent,” Gabriel said, clapping his hands. The sound caused Matthew to jump a bit. “Ye’ll play for me. Tonight.”

Matthew slowly drew his eyes to Gabriel as a hint of a smile played at the corners of Matthew’s razor-thin lips. “Thank ye.”

“Be in the garden tonight at six,” Gabriel said with a wave of his hand. Matthew bowed again and again as he exited the room. Marking off the first item on his list, Gabriel set the paper down.

Oh, my sweet Elena, yer heart shall remain broken for long. That I promise ye.

* * *

“What is this all about?” Elena asked as Emily lured her to the garden. Gabriel hid around the corner and held his breath. He couldn’t wait to see Elena’s face as she stepped out onto the terrace. The moment Elena saw the small twinkling lights strung across the courtyard and the table in the center, she gasped. It was the sound Gabriel had wanted to hear.

Stepping out of the shadows, he moved to Elena. Her eyes transfixed on the lights around her, she barely noticed him until he stood beside her.

“Do ye like it?” he whispered. Elena’s eyes shot to him. She threw her hands to her mouth and nodded. Gabriel couldn’t help but notice her eyes watering.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.

“Nae as beautiful as ye. That I can promise ye.”

“What’s the occasion?” she asked as Gabriel crooked his arm for her to escort her to the table.

“Cannae a husband dote on his wife every now and again?” Gabriel asked as the servant pulled the chair out from the table for Elena to sit.

With a nod of his head, music filled the courtyard. The sound was angelic, even to Gabriel’s untrained ears. Elena scanned the area searching for the source but Gabriel smiled at her.

“Ye’ll nae see anyone here tonight but me,” he said.

“I still daenae understand why ye’ve done this,” Elena said as Gabriel took his seat beside her. He placed his hand on hers and stared deep into her eyes.

“Is it so wrong that I want to see ye happy and smile? Do ye nae have a smile for me now?”

“All my happiness belongs to ye,” she said as Gabriel’s hand cupped her face. Rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone, he exhaled. It seemed as if he had been holding his breath since the moment she stepped outside. Finally, being next to her, he relaxed and was able to let the world drift by without notice.

“Tell me, how was yer day?” he asked. Elena’s eyes dropped as she grabbed his hand from her face and set it in her lap.

“Can we speak of other matters?” she asked as she began chewing her lower lip.

“If yer worried about yer sisters, daenae be,” he said. “I ken they left and I ken why they left. Ye must nae think of that tonight. Tonight, these lights shine for ye.”

A single tear slipped from her eye and drifted down her cheek. Gabriel reached out and collected it on his thumb. He looked at the bead of water and sighed.

“How appropriate,” he said as Elena flashed him a confused glance.

“Ye expected me to cry?”

“Nay,” he answered, wiping the tear onto his trews. Slipping his hand into his pocket he found the gift he had tucked away. “But seein’ as how I think yer tears look like pearls in the moon light.”