“Did I just see Gabriel comin’ out of yer room?” Anna’s voice was harsh and sharp. Elena closed her eyes and shook her head. Out of all the people she could see right now, it had to be Anna.

“Aye, ye did,” Elena said stepping out from the dressing curtain.

“And what was he doin’ in here?”

“What a husband is supposed to do,” Elena answered with just as sharp of a tone.

“I daenae believe it,” Anna said, pressing her hand to her chest. Elena watched as her sister moved to the bed and plopped down on it. “So he is forceful wit’ ye.”

“He is nae. And I’d appreciate if ye’d stop thinkin’ such things about Gabe. He is kind and decent.”

“Do ye hear yerself?” Anna asked as pain crinkled her face, deepening the worry lines on her forehead.

“Aye, and I ken Gabe better than any,” Elena said.

“Sister, please, this relationship is nae good for ye,” Anna said. “A husband doesnae go to the wife’s chambers, but her to his. This whole thin’ is completely wrong.”

“That maybe what ye do,” Elena said. “But it is nae how it is here.”

“That is my point,” Anna started as Elena crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her sister. Anger shot through her. She couldn’t believe just moments ago she was happy and peaceful, and her sister was stealing those feelings out from under her.

“Nay, sister,” Elena interrupted. “I’m the Lady of this house. We do things here, my way. Gabriel stayed wit’ me under my request, nae his.”

“This is preposterous,” Anna said, shooting to her feet.

“If ye daenae like it, ye can leave. But I’m nae changin’ a thin’. I love it here. I love Gabriel. Nothin’ is goin’ to change that. Nae now, nae ever.”

Anna’s lips trembled as her eyes turned a darker red. “Fine. Isobel and I will leave.”

“Fine,” Elena said. “Go.”

“Mark my words, Elena,” Anna sneered as her lip twitched with anger. “That man will be the death of ye.”

Chapter 20

“Of all the things…I swear there is somethin’ nae right goin’ on here. How can she love that man? He’s rude and obnoxious. There is nay way Gabriel could possibly be in love wit’ Elena for so long.” Gabriel heard Anna grumble as she stormed out of Elena’s room. He ducked into the shadows of the hallway avoiding her as she passed by. Anna kept her eyes forward, head up, fuming as she moved down the hallway.

Gabriel’s heart broke listening to the foul things spewing from her mouth. He couldn’t understand how she could think such things of him despite all he had done to prove himself. Glancing to Elena’s door, his shoulders dropped as his mind spun. There was no doubt in his mind Elena would be fuming in her room.

Pursing his lips together, he fought back the instinct to confront Anna. Pulling in a long deep breath, he stepped out of his hiding place and walked to Elena’s door. He paused, with his fist in the air, ready to knock, but pressed his hand to the door. Although he knew he couldn’t do anything to help Elena with her sister, he knew he could always take her mind off her issues.

“Why must she be like that?” Gabriel heard Elena’s muffled sobs. Although he wanted to rush in and take her in his arms, he knew there was nothing he could do to help her.

A smile stretched across his lips as he stepped back from the door. Gabriel rushed from Elena’s room down to his study. With his mind going miles a minute, he jotted down his ideas before they could slip from his mind.

“M’Laird,” Jacob said as he popped his head through the crack of the door. Gabriel’s head whipped up as he waved Jacob into the room.

“Are ye aware Anna and Isobel are leavin’?” Jacob asked as he entered the room.

“Aye, I’m aware,” Gabriel said, “Daenae fret about them though. Let them leave. In fact, I want ye to help in anyway ye can. Go wit’ them on their journey to ensure they get back safely. I’ll nae have anythin’ happen to Elena’s family. Do ye understand?” Gabriel’s eyes narrowed as Jacob nodded.

“Before ye go, send Matthew in, I have matters that need tendin’ to,” Gabriel said as Jacob turned to leave. Jacob paused.

“Are ye sure ye daenae want me to help?” Jacob asked with such a pitiful glance it made Gabriel laugh.

“Ye cannae tell me ye’d rather do my biddin’ than spend time wit’ Isobel,” Gabriel said, leaning back into his chair.
