“Now, we are goin’. Yer more than welcome to come too, but if Isobel wishes to come, she can. Ye have nay say over the matter. Let her be free while she can be,” Elena said as Anna’s face turned red with anger. It was clear to Gabriel that Anna saw herself as the oldest and the one with the highest title of authority. But under Gabriel’s roof, Anna held no position of power to make any decisions.

“I’ll tell uncle about this,” Anna threatened.

“Go ahead,” Elena said. “But I’m curious as to what exactly yer goin’ to say. Ye ken as well as I do uncle will nae care either way about goin’ to the loch for a swim. In fact, I’m guessin’ he’ll say good for her.”

Anna pursed her lips and stole a step closer. “Do ye nae see what he is doin’?”

“And what am I doin’?” Gabriel asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Isobel and Jacob standing as witnesses down the hallway.

“Yer tryin’ to steal my sister away from us,” Anna said.

“Nay, yer tryin’ to drive a wedge through our marriage. Which I might remind ye was nae done in secret, but that yer very uncle gave his blessin’. And is yer uncle nae the Laird of Clan Baxter? Therefore ye should bite yer tongue while under my roof.”

Without another word, Anna turned on her heel and stormed off down the hallway. Elena stared up at Gabriel with a stern, confused expression. It was clear he had taken things too far by the way Elena’s lip trembled.

“Elena,” Gabriel whispered as he reached for her. Jerking her arm away, Elena shook her head.

“Ye ken all ye did was add fuel to her ire, aye? She believes ye to be a monster and that is precisely what ye showed her.”

“Ye need to understand that yer my wife, yer wit’ me and live here wit’ me. I understand ye love yer family. But ye have to understand that I’ll nae tolerate yer family tryin’ to sprinkle seeds of doubt about me in yer mind.”

Elena dropped her head and let out a sigh.

“Ye ken I love ye,” he said as Isobel rushed past them. Gabriel could only assume Isobel went to console Anna, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was Elena. There was hurt in her eyes and he couldn’t help but feel responsible.

“Aye, I ken,” she said as Gabriel tucked his hand under her chin and drew her eyes up to meet his. Drawing his fingertips through her hair, he leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead.

“Are ye sure ye ken?” he whispered as he kissed her temple. Elena nodded as his fingertips grazed the length of her face.

“Aye,” she said as she stretched up to meet his lips. Elena stole Gabriel’s breath as she melted into him. Every fiber of his being craved to have her. Scooping her into his arms, he hoisted her off her feet as they embraced.

“Daenae pay any heed to any of this,” Gabriel said. Elena started to protest and instantly he pressed his finger to her mouth to silence her. “I’ll make it right wit’ Anna.”

Her face lit up as she threw her arms around his neck. “Ye promise?”

“Aye,” he said as he leaned down and curled his arm under her legs to draw her to him. Carrying her up the steps he knew their plans to go to the loch were shot, but he didn’t mind. After all, Elena was hurting and he had every intention of making it up to her.

“Rest my love,” he whispered. “All will be well.”

Elena dug her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. The small tugging thrilled him as he climbed the steps.

“I hope so,” she said in his ear. Her hot breath teased him as he pushed through the bedroom door.

“Rest here, I’ll go make amends wit’ Anna.”

“Daenae go,” Elena said as she clawed at his arm. Gabriel paused. He stared at her as she sprawled out on the bed. Her hair flowed around her head as the hem of her dress rose past her calves.

“Stay wit’ me a while longer,” she begged. “I need ye.”

Oh Lord, daenae I ken it.

Chapter 19

Gabriel’s armslipped under Elena’s head as he snuggled beside her. The warmth of his body soothed her. Just the mere comfort of him resting beside her made all her worries vanish. Nuzzling her head into the nook of his chest, Elena pulled in a long deep breath, taking in Gabriel’s essence. He always had a musky, woodsy smell that lingered on him. It made her think of being out near the loch or hunting somewhere in the depths of the forest.

Her fingers traced over his chest as she let her mind wander. She could easily see herself frolicking in the woods by his side, chasing after the squirrels and rodents of the forest. A memory popped into her mind that made her chuckle.

“What is it?” Gabriel asked as he ran his fingertips through her hair.