“Good day,” Gabriel said, his eyes shifting to Elena a moment. Gabriel’s glance was so quick, yet intimate that Elena couldn’t help but feel heat rushing to her head. After all, it was just an hour ago she was curled in his arms ready to give herself to him completely.

“Jacob has informed me ye’d like a tour of the castle,” Gabriel said as his eyes lingered a bit longer on Elena causing her heart to flutter.

“It is a fine castle,” Anna said, moving to Elena’s side. “And seein’ as how we all could get better acquainted, we thought ye could give us a brief tour.”

“Aye, I can do that,” Gabriel said. A hint of disappointment came over his face the instant Anna’s arm scooped around Elena’s. For a moment Elena wondered if Gabriel had hoped to steal her away.

“Shall we start in the gardens? Tis such a lovely day to explore outside,” Jacob suggested as Elena watched Isobel move to his extended arm.

As Jacob and Isobel started to the door with Gabriel on their heels, Anna jerked Elena back a moment.

“Everythin’ alright?” Elena asked as she noticed her sister’s hesitancy in staying with the group.

“I saw that,” Anna hissed.

“What?” Elena asked wondering if Anna would ever let her go to catch up with Gabriel.

“That look he gave ye. Somethin’ is goin’ on between the two of ye. He’s nae a cruel man, is he? Elena, if he is, ye’d tell me, wouldnae ye? Because ye can come home wit’ me. Vincent has made it clear yer more than welcome wit’ us.”

“Nay,” Elena said, shaking her head. “Gabriel would never.”

“Then what were those looks he gave ye? Clearly he is displeased wit’ ye.”

What Anna took for displeasure and contempt was to Elena, Gabriel battling his desires and passions. Pulling in a deep breath, Elena patted her sister’s arm.

“All is well,” Elena promised.

“Are ye certain?”

“Aye,” Elena said as she spied Gabriel’s head pop out from around the corner. Anna’s grip tightened as they moved to the doorway.

“Yer my sister,” Anna whispered. “Ye ken I only want the best for ye.”

“I ken,” Elena said.

As does Gabriel.

Chapter 18

Gabriel’s jawflexed as his ears perked. There was something about the way Anna kept her eyes on him that grated on his nerves. Although he gave her no reason to dislike him, it was clear Anna wasn’t pleased with the situation.

“Rest easy, sister,” Elena’s voice drifted to his ears as Jacob rambled on to Isobel about the plants in the garden. “Gabriel is nae the man I thought he was. I’m happy here.”

A smile played at the corner of his lips as his attention flickered to Jacob and Isobel the moment Elena turned her head. The last thing he wanted was to be caught eavesdropping. But, he couldn’t help it. Elena was his whole world and he’d protect her from everyone including her family.

“Enough of this dreary topic,” Gabriel said with a wave of his hand. “Tis too lovely a day nae to take advantage of it. I say we head to the loch and enjoy the water for a bit. What do ye say? Jacob? Isobel?”

Gabriel shifted his attention to the young couple at his side. Isobel’s eyes widened as Jacob nodded. Slowly, Gabriel looked at Anna and Elena. With his eyebrows raised, he stared at them with anticipation. A distraction would be nice for everyone it seemed.

Elena skipped to his side and slipped her hand around his forearm. “A swim is a lovely idea.”

“We dinnae brin’ anythin’ for that,” Anna said. “Besides, the day is gettin’ late and the ride to the loch will take hours. Best to stay here and find somethin’ else to entertain ourselves.”

“The ride is nae that long,” Elena said as she gave Gabriel a tight squeeze around his arm. “And I have plenty of linen here. Come on, sister, what say ye?”

“I’ll go,” Isobel said as her hand darted to the sky. Her eyes shifted to Jacob a moment as Gabriel noticed the rouge in her cheeks.

“If ye daenae wish to go,” Gabriel said to Anna, “Ye’ll find a plethora of books in the library. I’ll have the servants tend to ye till we get back.”