“Is there somethin’ troublin’ ye?” Elena asked, reaching out to Isobel.

“Who is that?” Isobel asked in a low hushed tone, nudging her head to the door.

“Do ye mean Jacob?” Elena asked, a smile playing on her lips.

“Aye, if that is the man that keeps passin’ by,” Isobel said.

“Would ye like me to introduce ye?” Elena asked, feeling relieved the conversation was so easily changed to something other than her.

There was no hiding the blush in Isobel’s cheeks. Elena’s lips curled at the corners. Rising, Elena moved to the doorway as Isobel protested.

“Please, daenae,” Isobel whispered.

“Jacob,” Elena called. “Will ye come here please?”

Jacob glanced over his shoulder at the sound of his name. He stood straighter as Elena called for him.

“I have someone in here who wants to meet ye,” Elena said, scooping her arm into his and drawing him into the room.

“Jacob, this is my sister, Isobel. Isobel, Jacob,” Elena said as her eyes shifted to Anna. Anna pursed her lips together looking rather unamused.

“Greetings,” Jacob said. Elena noticed Jacob couldn’t take his eyes off Isobel.

“And to ye,” Isobel said bashfully.

“I think my sisters would like a tour of the castle, and I ken of nay one else, save Gabriel, who kens this place better. Would ye mind givin’ Isobel a tour?” Elena asked as Anna stepped closer.

“Wit’ a chaperone of course,” Anna added.

“Jacob, will ye go get Gabriel for me? I’m certain between the two of ye, my sisters will get the full view of this place and its history.”

Jacob turned his attention to Elena and nodded. He paused a moment, stealing one last glimpse of Isobel before turning on his heels and walking to the doorway.

“What are ye doin’?” Anna scolded. “If yer tryin’ to play matchmaker, Isobel has a suitor lined up for her.”

“Aye,” Elena said. “But is the suitor a man Isobel wants to be wit’? Heaven forbid Isobel has to go through what we did and marry a man she must learn to love.”

“So that is what yer letter was about?” Anna said as her shoulders dropped. “Yer mad uncle arranged yer marriage. Ye do ken he did that for all of us. Isobel will be nay different.”

“And what if she doesnae have to have her life planned out like that? What if she gets to pick a man she is in love wit’?”

“Ye cannae be serious. Love? Yer concern is about an emotion that ye can train yerself to feel?” Anna gasped as she shook her head. Anna pressed her hand to her heart as if Elena’s idea was overreaching and fantasy.

“If yer nae happy here, Elena, then come back wit’ us,” Anna said. “My offer is still good. Ye want to get away from Gabriel then we can make that happen.”

Although there was a time Elena wanted to flee the castle, she found herself torn now. So much had changed between her and Gabriel that even the thought of leaving him made her anxious. After everything she discovered and the desires that he invoked, she couldn’t see herself ever wanting to escape.

“Thank ye, truly, but things are different,” Elena said. Anna’s eyes widened a bit. It was as if a flash of understanding flickered across her face.

“So, when will the bairns be comin’?” Anna asked. Shock struck Elena as if her sister had slapped her across the face.

“Nay, that’s nae… I mean, maybe in the future, but nae now,” Elena said as the sound of boots falling on the wooden floorboards perked her ears.

“Ye have consummated yer marriage?” Anna asked as Elena noticed the worry and concern in her sister’s eyes. Suddenly Elena felt as if her sister was advancing on her territory.

Elena bit back the hostility that was bubbling within her. She swallowed hard and contemplated the best response for her sister. Before Elena could answer, she noticed Gabriel with Jacob. It was clear Anna noticed them as well and crossed her hands in front of her obediently.

“Laird McAllister,” Anna said as Gabriel entered the room. Elena watched her sisters bow respectfully to Gabriel.