“Then it’s settled,” Elena said with a hint of a smile. “There will be nay need to get all this out if it will just be me. I’ll dine wit’ ye in the kitchen next time. Why cause more work settin’ up the room for one person? That’s just wasteful.”

So, Gabriel, ye’ve brought me here to ignore me? Well, I will nae be cast aside so easily. Ye’ll see I can make do all on my own.

Chapter 12

“Well?”Gabriel shot up from his chair eager for the news as Jacob slipped through the door. His heart pounded in his chest as he stared at Jacob. All his planning and preparations were now on full display.

“She is eatin’ wit’ the servants,” Jacob reported as he plopped down into the seat before Gabriel’s desk, chuckling. “It is just as ye said it would be.” Gabriel couldn’t help but laugh at the news. He knew she would need the attention and company, after all, coming from a big family she was always around people. Yet, never in his wildest dreams did he ever think she would turn to the servants.

Gabriel slipped back down into the chair, pressing his fingertips together. His smile stretched across his face.

“Did she see ye?” Gabriel asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Nay, I daenae think she has a clue as to what yer doin’. But I have to ask, why are ye doin’ it this way? Why nae just come out and tell her how ye feel?”

“I have,” Gabriel said. “More times than she cares to count. Nay, Elena is the kind of person who needs to be shown. I give my plan a week before she comes to me.”

“Are ye really goin’ to keep yer distance from her?” Jacob asked as he shifted in his chair and rubbed the stubble on his chin.

“Aye, I have to. If I’m goin’ to get her to come to me, I must make myself scarce,” Gabriel said, feeling his heart drop into his stomach. The thought of having Elena under his roof excited him. He wanted nothing more than to shower her with gifts and give in to her wants. Yet, in the back of his mind, he knew he couldn’t, especially after the fight in her parents’ house. She needed to be the one to take control.

“And what of her room? Does she like it?”

“Aye, from what Emily says. According to Emily, Elena spent a good chunk in her room admiring the decor. How did ye ken what to put in there?”

“When ye’ve been in love wit’ a woman for as long as I have, ye pick up on every like and dislike, every morsel of detail is never too small. Now, tomorrow we must ensure she remains isolated. Have Emily continue wit’ her role. Daenae let Elena have anythin’ to do.”

“Daenae ye think that’ll irritate the Lady?” Jacob asked as he rose to his feet and pulled his vest down to smooth the wrinkles.

“That’s the point. Let her roam about the castle tomorrow. Have the servants remain busy. I daenae care if that means cleanin’ the fireplaces or scrubbin’ the windows. Just make them unavailable to her. I want her to have to come to me, understand?”

“Aye,” Jacob said as he bowed.

Gabriel watched as Jacob exited the room before exhaling. He pulled open the drawer of his desk. His heart fluttered as he stared into a small portrait of Elena. She was only ten in the picture, but nothing had changed. Her almond-shaped eyes stared back at him and although the colors had faded over the years, she was still as stunning to him.

Running his finger over the image, he smiled as visions danced before his eyes.

“Come,” he called as he waved a hand to her.

“Won’t we get in trouble?” she asked as she popped her head around the corner. Her eyes shifted to and fro searching for the danger that lurked about.

Gabriel shook his head as he pulled her from her hiding place and raced with her down the empty corridor. The sound of their laughter bounced off the walls and the pitter-patter of their feet echoed. Pushing through the side door, Gabriel took Elena’s hand into his and brought her to the garden.

Her face lit up the instant she saw the flickering of the bugs dancing on the breeze.

“Wow,” she said as her eyes remained transfixed on the lightning bugs. “Are they fairies?”

“Aye,” Gabriel said, watching her. “Come to grant ye wishes, ye like.”

Gabriel released her hand and moved into the darkness clapping at the air in a feeble attempt at capturing one for her.

“What are ye two doin’ out of bed?”

Gabriel and Elena gasped as the nurse towered over them like a sentinel. Elena let out a frightful scream as the woman curled her arms around Elena’s arm to drag her back inside. Gabriel darted to the nurse and rammed his foot into the woman’s shin. The instant Elena was free, Gabriel snatched Elena and they raced through the shadows to the barn.

“Do ye think we lost her?” Elena asked as her breath clung to the air. Gabriel’s heart fluttered from the excitement.

“Think so,” he answered as he picked a bit of the hay from her hair. “But look. I caught this for ye.”