Maybe he does love me as much as he says he does.

Instantly she shot up with an overwhelming urge to see Gabriel. Rushing from her room she bolted down the hallway. Her arms burned with the need to embrace him but as she got to the bottom of the stairs and her eyes fell on him, she stopped.

Gabriel barely glanced in her direction as he threw his arm around Jacob. Elena’s shoulders dropped as she watched him move through the entranceway and headed toward another part of the castle. Tiptoeing down the stairs, she followed him hoping for a single moment of alone time with him. But as she got to the room Gabriel entered, the door slammed shut on her.

She stumbled back.

“Oh, sorry, Mistress,” a young man said. Elena turned around to find a young boy with his hands full of boxes.

“It was my mistake,” Elena said as the boy’s eyes widened.

“Yer the new Lady,” he gasped and immediately tried to bow to her.

“I saw the Laird enter this room,” she started as she helped the young lad regain his packages.

“Aye, that’s the Laird’s study. If the doors are closed nay one is allowed in the room, I’m afraid.”

“Do ye ken when he’ll be comin’ out of the study?”

The boy shook his head. “Cannae say. Sometimes he’s in there for a few minutes, sometimes hours. Is there somethin’ ye need? I’ll be more than happy to fetch it for ye.”

“Nay, that’s alright,” Elena said, feeling a bit defeated. “I’ll catch him some other time, I’m sure.”

“Ye are the Lady now, so I’m sure ye’ll see him more than the rest of us,” he said as he started down the hallway.

Elena looked at the door a moment and exhaled. Her hopes of speaking and thanking Gabriel grew within her.

I’m sure I’ll catch him at dinner. After all, he’s just come back from a long journey. There will be things he must address first. Aye, I’ll wait.

As the evening shifted to night, Elena waited patiently in the dining room for Gabriel. She fiddled with the forks beside her plate and looked about at the servants tending to her.

“Is everythin’ alright, m’Lady? Ye havenae touched yer meal,” Emily whispered in her ear as she filled Elena’s cup once again.

“Where is the Laird? Will he nae be dinin’ tonight?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, m’Lady, but the Laird has already taken his meal in the study.”

Shock and rejection came over Elena as she looked at all the fine food set before her. The table was filled with roasted duck, potatoes, and every other treat she could ever want. Yet none of it seemed appealing to her.

“Thank ye, Emily,” she said taking a sip from the cup. “I suppose I’ll have to eat alone.”

As she began digging into the food on her plate, a prick of insecurity jabbed her. Turning in her seat she waved Emily over.

“Aye, m’Lady?”

“Please, join me,” Elena said, motioning to the empty chair beside her. “There is more food here than anyone could consume alone.”

Shock stretched across Emily’s face as she slowly pulled out a chair and sat. Elena pushed an empty plate to her and motioned for the other servants to join them.

“This is most unusual,” Emily mumbled.

“Well, I’m nae goin’ to dine alone, and seein’ as how ye ken everythin’ there is about the castle, ye can tell me now.”

“Might I ask why yer allowin’ us to join ye?” Emily asked as she picked at the bread roll Elena put on the plate for her.

“I come from a large family and truth is, I’ve never dined by myself. I’m certainly nae goin’ to start now. But I am curious, does the Laird often take his meals in the study?”

“Aye, quite often,” Emily answered.