“Are ye callin’ me a dog? Or a horse?” Gabriel asked as his eyes shifted to Ayda. The young girl drew her book to her lips to hide the smile stretching across her face. But her dark brown eyes gave away her amusement.

“Seein’ as how both are loyal and do as their masters command, suppose I could be either,” Gabriel said.

Elena slammed her book down into her lap and glared at him for a moment. The ire Gabriel expected to see wasn’t there. Instead, there was a spark in her eyes. A playful little flicker of light, like the flashing of a firefly in the twilight hours.

“And are ye sayin’ yer my master?”

“Seein’ as how yer the one callin’ me such things, I assumed ye were mine,” Gabriel said. “And as such a kind master that ye are, I’d like for ye to make the introductions.”

“I’m Jacob. Jacob Bain.” Gabriel’s eyes rolled as Jacob introduced himself to Ayda. Elena’s thin eyebrow looked like the bow of an archer at the ready.

“Come, Ayda,” Elena said, rising to her feet. “I wouldnae want ye to associate wit’ such barn animals. Perhaps when they have cleaned up a bit, they might be more presentable as men than animals.”

“Ouch,” Gabriel said, grabbing his chest as if trying to hold in his heart Elena had ripped out.

“Yer wife is sharp as a tack, she is,” Jacob mumbled in Gabriel’s ear. But he wasn’t listening. Gabriel’s eyes were locked on Elena as she moved like a cloud through the valley.

“Did ye see that?” Gabriel asked with a smirk curling his lip.

“What?” Jacob’s head whipped around to catch the last glimpse of Elena and Ayda walking out of the study. “Did Ayda look back at me?”

Gabriel rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Nay, and daenae be gettin’ ideas about Ayda. She’s off limits. That’s Elena’s younger sister and I’ve been told she is spoken for already. But Elena. I think I’m gettin’ through to her. Or at least someone is.”

“She just called ye an animal, and said ye smell like one too,” Jacob chuckled. “I daenae think those were words of endearment.”

“Oh, they were,” Gabriel said, rubbing his hands together. “That woman loves me.”

“Are ye feelin’ all right?” Jacob asked, reaching for Gabriel’s head to check his temperature.

“I’m great,” Gabriel said with pep to his tone.

“Please tell me ye havenae gone mad, because I daenae think I’ll be able to handle that news.”

“Just ye wait,” Gabriel said as hope filled him to the brim and poured out of every syllable and smile. “Elena has nay place to go and sooner rather than later, she’ll see that I’m everythin’ she’s ever wanted.”

“I daenae understand. Is this a game?” Jacob asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. Gabriel watched as Elena stole a glimpse at him.

“Everythin’ is a game. And for the first time in my life, I believe I’m finally winnin’.”

Chapter 8

Elena’s heartfluttered as her eyes locked on Gabriel’s. His lips pulled into a smile. A rush of heat flowed through her as she darted to look away. There was something about him that drew her to him. It was like he was the sun constantly shining on her. No matter how cloudy her emotions were, he was there to brighten her life.

“I heard ye wanted to leave tomorrow,” Gabriel said as he grabbed the pillow off the bed.

“Is that all right? I figured ye might have had yer fill wit’ my family and were lookin’ for an escape. After all, my sisters’ children can be quite the handful.”

“They arenae so bad,” Gabriel said. “I was havin’ fun wit’ them. If ye want to stay a bit longer we can.”

“What about yer family? Are they nae eager to meet me?” Elena asked as she lowered herself to the bed. An odd sensation came over her. She realized she had only ever met Gabriel’s family once before when her father was alive. But the memory of them was fragile. She feared that if she poked at the thought too long it would vanish altogether.

Gabriel shrugged as he moved to the divan and pulled the blanket off the back of it. He sat down slowly and pulled in a deep breath.

“Ye daenae have to worry about my family,” Gabriel answered. “My father passed last year. And well, ye ken my mother was gone much longer than that.”

Pity and remorse filled Elena. She never expected the news. Suddenly she realized just how blessed she was for such a large family. Although her father was gone too, his memories were intact, and love cocooned each one.

“I’m sorry, I hadnae heard.”