“Aye, our bags are packed and it is a miracle Vincent allowed me the time to steal one last goodbye before we left.”

“Dinnae he go huntin’ wit’ the rest of the men?”

“Nay,” Anna said, playing with the tips of her fingernails. “Uncle and Vincent exchanged words last night. Daenae think they are on speakin’ terms right now.”

“Again?” Elena’s heart broke for her sister. She could see the agony in Anna’s eyes.

“Again,” Anna said. “But daenae let that damper yer moment. This day is for ye, Elena. Enjoy it and read that note when yer alone, understand?”

Elena nodded. Anna gave her one last hug before rushing down the hallway toward the main entrance.

Curiosity and eagerness consumed her. Without hesitation, Elena ripped open the note.

Dearest Sister,

If ye ever feel trapped or if ye need to flee, remember ye’ll always have a place with Vincent and me. We will be there for ye. Blood first and always.


Chapter 7

Gabriel staredinto the dense forest, his ears straining, his heart pounding. Although he knew he was there to hunt, he couldn’t take his mind off Elena. The way she looked resting in the bed haunted his every thought.

The long blow of the horn caused him to jump. Instantly, he kicked his heel into the side of the horse. It took off racing through the shadows and beams of light like an arrow.

The snap of gunfire echoed through the trees. Gabriel pulled up short as the men rustled around him. Drawing his gun from the satchel of his saddle, he took aim and listened. The rustling of the leaves around him and the hounds of the dogs darting between the trees in front of him caused his heart to skip.

There, in the opening, two white wide eyes peered at him. The stag jumped and scattered over the rocks and roots with such ease that Gabriel couldn’t help but admire the beast.

Lowering his weapon, he felt as if lightning had struck his head. A revelation dawned on him as he watched the chaos of the hunt ensue. Swallowing hard, he witnessed the stag drop at the second sound of the gun.

“Where’s yer head, lad? We drew the stag right to ye and ye dinnae take aim?” Darragh growled as he came up to Gabriel. Darragh’s horse stomped its feet as it stopped short, still eager to run, yet restrained by Darragh’s own hand.

“Dinnae want to hit the dogs,” Gabriel said despite knowing it was a lie. The shot he had would have been a clean one. But he realized he wasn’t hunting the stag. It was Elena he wanted to pursue. She was the innocent creature darting and jolting from the men around her. It was Elena who had been cornered by circumstances and events.

“Aye, that would have put a damper on things a bit,” Darragh said with his eyes slanted and boring into Gabriel’s back.

“Well done, lads,” Darragh congratulated the others as they came to collect their prize. Gabriel turned his head back toward the Keep. His heart longed to see Elena again, to be next to her. Even if she wanted nothing to do with him, he found the smallest pleasures in making her squirm and laugh.

“Collect the stag and let’s head back,” Darragh shouted as he trotted to the others.

“Ye look as if yer a million miles away,” Jacob said, pulling Gabriel from his thoughts. “Tell me yer wife hasnae distracted ye so much ye’ve gone topsy on me.”

“What would ye do if the woman ye ken ye were meant to be wit’ dinnae want ye?” Gabriel mumbled as he turned his attention to Jacob. With an arched eyebrow, Jacob shrugged.

“Daenae ken. Perhaps I wouldnae allow myself to be in that situation. But then again, I’ve always been a sucker for matters of the heart. The thin’ is though, ye picked the lass despite her hatin’ ye. So, yer troubles are yer own fault.”

Gabriel knew Jacob wasn’t wrong. It was more that he wished things would be different. Although Gabriel wanted to please Elena, getting through to her was proving more complicated than he expected.

“Back to the Keep,” Darragh shouted. “We’ve got our prize for the day. And I’m certain there is a forlorn husband eager to be reunited wit’ his love.”

The cheers of Elena’s family sounded muffled. It was as if Gabriel could barely hear them over his own troubled thoughts. He smiled politely at them as they trotted past and found himself feeling pity for the stag thrown over the back of Darragh’s horse.

All Gabriel could see was Elena thrown over the horse with her hands tied and mouth gagged. It was a sight he wished he hadn’t thought of, but it made more sense to him now.

“Ye could always make her, ye ken. Yer married and it is yer duty and right to such things.” Jacob’s voice was hushed as Gabriel’s eyes darted about wondering who else heard. “But ye willnae do that. I ken.”

“I daenae want the marriage my parents had,” Gabriel confessed. “They hated one another till the day they died. My father took mistresses while my mother’s ire blacked her heart.”