Iona stood and brushed the wrinkles from her dress. She stole one last glimpse of Elena before giving a sharp nod of her head.

“Come now, the day is callin’ and I believe Anna and Georgia are already talkin’ of makin’ the trip back to their homes.”

“But they just got here,” Elena grumbled.

“Aye, feels that way, does it nae? But wit’ their children, I suspect the trip is a bit longer and far more weary than it is for ye or I.”

Elena’s heart sank into her stomach. She wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her sisters yet. Nor was she ready to face them. The last thing she wanted was for Ayda to bombard her with the same questions Elena had asked Georgia and Anna on their first day married.

“Tell them I’ll be out soon,” Elena said. Iona smiled and patted her on the shoulder. Without another word, she moved to the door and slipped out, leaving Elena to her thoughts.

Stretching the sleep from her bones, Elena tried to come up with something she could say. She knew her family wouldn’t rest till they pulled every last detail from her.

Elena swiftly got dressed and mustered all the courage she could to face her sisters. The moment she opened the door, she came face to face with her younger sister, Ayda.

“Well?” Ayda asked, wide-eyed and anxious. “How do ye feel? Are ye sore? Georgia and Anna said ye would be and that ye might nae want to be disturbed.”

“Mornin’, Ayda,” Elena said with a smile. “Good to see ye too.”

“Uncle says now that yer married I’m to be next and I daenae ken what to think of it. Were ye scared? Should I be?”

Elena flashed Ayda a half smile and started down the hallway. She couldn’t help but wonder if she had acted the same way with Georgia and Anna when they had wed. A part of her mind tried to recall the events, but it seemed to linger in the shadows of her thoughts, unattainable and vague.

“If ye want a straight answer to those questions, best talk to maither about them,” Elena said. “Ye’ll be surprised by the answers.”

Ayda sighed as she scooped her arm into Elena’s and walked with her to the hall.

“Anna says she couldnae walk for a week and how ye might feel the same way.”

“Well, as ye can see, I’m perfectly fine.”

“So, he dinnae hurt ye?” Ayda seemed beyond perplexed by the situation. Elena paused and stared at her sister for a moment.

“Nay, I’m nae hurt and to be truthful, ye daenae need to be scared. Perhaps uncle will be kind to ye and let ye marry a man ye love.”

“Ye daenae love Gabriel? Then why did ye marry him?”

Elena pulled in a long deep breath. She knew Ayda was only a few years younger than she was, but her naivety took Elena by surprise.

“There are some things that are nae up to us,” Anna answered in a loud voice as she strutted down the hall. Elena and Ayda smiled and hugged her the instant she was within arm’s length.

“Ayda, will ye give me a moment alone with Elena?”

“Of course,” Ayda answered as her eyes shifted from Elena to Anna. Shrugging, Ayda left, leaving them alone.

Anna’s head shifted about a moment before she grabbed Elena by the arm and dragged her to the dark corner.

“Are ye alright? Ye look distressed,” Elena asked as Anna shoved a small note into Elena’s hand.

“Read this in private and daenae let yer husband see it,” Anna said in a conspiratorial tone.

“What is this?” Elena asked, turning the note over and over in her hand.

“A goodbye note, and a bit of advice. Vincent wants us to leave today and I daenae have time to explain it all. Just ken that I love ye and will always look out for ye,” Anna said. Her arms flew around Elena’s neck and pulled her close. The hug nearly squeezed the air from Elena’s lungs as it crushed her.

“I love ye, little sister,” Anna said, jerking away from Elena. “Remember that.”

“Of course, but do ye have to go now?”