Page 44 of All The Best Men

So I shook my head, sorrow coursing to my core.

“Oh my God, I think you’re right.”

Elaine swung back around in surprise.

“You’re joking right? Have you been listening anything I’ve said? Of course I’m right!” she exclaimed indignantly. “Bobby is their best friend, he would know. And besides, I wouldn’t make something like that up to hurt you. My husband will be home soon, why don’t you stay and you can ask him for yourself? He’s known them since childhood Katie, I bet there’s a string of women they’ve loved and left.”

She crossed her arms over her chest huffily, glaring my way.

Because Elaine had a point. I had no reason to be angry with her. Don’t shoot the messenger and all that.

I apologized even as my heart broke.

“I’m so sorry, Elaine. You have to understand this is just a shock to the system.”

But my apology fell on deaf ears, Bridezilla showing her monstrous face again.

“I’m not sure I do,” the blonde snorted, on the offense now. “I’m not sure where we stand in all this.”

I sighed. Trust Elaine to make this about herself, taking the focus off me. But there was no sense in making the situation worse.

“It’s just the things they said, the way they touched me,” I mumbled sadly. “It couldn’t all have been a lie.” My insides trembled, still refusing to fully accept that I may have been a pawn in their sex game.

And taking a deep breath, I turned to my friend once more.

“Listen, say hi to Bobby for me, okay? Because I’ve gotta go. I have to see Mason, Kane and Tyler, talk to them and look into their faces. I have to hear them say it themselves.”

Jumping to my feet, I looked frantically around for my purse, locating it under a stray heap of clothes.

“Katie!” Elaine ran over and grabbed my arm, concern and frustration written on every feature of her face. “Are you crazy? Do you want to get your heart broken all over again? Do you think they’re going to tell you the truth? Hell no! They’ll twist words and make you think you’re the one who’s insane. They’re master manipulators honey, don’t be fooled.”

Maybe my friend was right, but all the same, I had to see for myself. So shaking my arm free, I turned to face her.

“I don’t know what to think anymore,” was my conflicted confession. “I don’t know what to think. This is all so crazy you know? Three men and me,” I took a deep breath. “It was insane to begin with. But I have to know,” were my determined words. “I have to know.”

And my friend stood out of my way then, eyes understanding. Because no matter how hard or painful this was, a confrontation was necessary. I’d fallen in love with the alpha males … but evidently, this was nothing but a game to them.



A glance at my watch revealed we had fifteen minutes before the car arrived. Parking my suitcase by the door, I thumbed through emails on my phone absentmindedly. Shit, there was ton of stuff to get done, money doesn’t just make itself. My mind was already on business, churning away at the Dow, the markets, and the exchange rate.

Kane and Tyler were nowhere to be found. So I did a quick scan of the living room, making sure we weren’t leaving anything behind before calling out.

“Bros, let’s get a move on. The ride will be here soon.”

Two massive forms emerged, dragging bags behind them while studying their phones. One thing about new technology is that it’s fucking rude at times. Everyone’s always glued to this gadget or that, no eye contact, no real human interaction anymore.

But this wasn’t the time to say anything.

“No worries, we’ll make the flight,” Kane rumbled, still busy at his cell. He was more than likely checking the stock market, ready to start trading once we were back. After all, our vacation was at an end, the fun and games over. There would be no talking on the jet, each of us engrossed in our laptops, preparing for city life once more.

And whaddya know, but right on time the doorbell rang, its melodic chimes sounding out.

“It’s the bellhop,” Tyler grunted, still engrossed by his phone as he strode across the living room. “I’ll get it.”

But before the door was even completely open, it was forcefully pushed forwards, causing our heads to jerk up, surprised. What bellhop was this?

There was no bellhop. Instead, Katie stood in the entryway, flushed and quivering. But not in a good way. She looked unsteady, her hair a little frazzled, color high in her face. What the fuck?

“Katie sweetheart, is something wrong?”

I took a step towards her, one hand outstretched.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Tyler turned towards the female as well. “We’re leaving for the airport hon, so make it quick.”