Page 99 of My Retribution Too

I took a shaky breath and answered the call, my eyes still staring at the closed warehouse door.

I didn’t utter a sound when I brought the phone to my ear. Silence greeted me before his voice boomed through the speakers.

“Where the fuck are you? You think I’m playing games with you? I told you to go with my guys.”

“Fuck you and your guys,” I bit out coldly.

“You think this is a joke? You think I won’t kill everyone you know and care about. I will kill all of your friends starting with that loudmouth one. You know the one I’m talking about, the one that’s pregnant.”

“No,” I whispered through the phone, my mind instantly going to Ayana.

Byron, knowing he had me right where he wanted, continued on with his tortured game. “Then I’ll go after the other one. She’s all exotic looking, maybe I’ll break her in first before I slit her throat. Santos wants her too. Maybe—”

“What do you want?” I asked him, tired of hearing his voice, of hearing him breathing over the phone. I turned and headed back to the bullet riddled Maxima and climbed into the driver seat. I started it up and pulled out of the parking lot onto the main drag. I headed for the turnpike as I waited for Byron.

“I already told you. I want you.”

“Fine. Where are you? I’ll come to you. Just leave my friends out of it.”

“Tell me where you are and I’ll send—”

“Are you hard of hearing? We aren’t playing this game your way. You want me, tell me where the fuck to meet you.”

“My oh my, have you gotten feisty. Don’t worry I’ll beat it out of you like I did before.”

“Shut up and just tell me.” I bit back. And he did.


I was doing my best not to run people off the road, but they wouldn’t get out of my way. I honked the horn at some old lady driving what looked to be a brand-new Lexus. It was white and shiny in the dimly lit night.

“Isn’t it past your bedtime,” I yelled, as I weaved past her, cutting her off and making a left.

“Shit, babe,” Noelle admonished as she grabbed hold of the ‘oh shit bar’ above the passenger side door.

I glanced in her direction and asked, “Tell me what he said again?”

He, meaning Ivey, had called Noelle while we were finishing up eating. I was starving and couldn’t wait for Brad to get home to bring me dinner from the cafeteria at the hospital. For some reason, I loved their pizza. Don’t ask. I couldn’t explain it even if I knew.

He told me he had about eight slices for me, but he wouldn’t be home for another three hours. I was starving and I didn’t want anything in the house. So, Noelle volunteered to come with me to grab a quick bite to eat at Whataburger. Just a burger, large fries, onion rings and a drink, nothing fancy.

Anywho, we were next in line to grab my order when Ivey called. He said he was trying to get a hold of Phoebe and she wasn’t picking up. Neither was Homer.

He wanted me to try calling her, but I told him I’d do him one better. I was only a few blocks from Lock’s place, I’d swing by and check up on her. I wondered why Lock just didn’t call her himself, but I didn’t ask. I was sure it was a logical explanation that I didn’t have time for. I had a burger to devour.

“Try her again,” Noelle advised as I took another corner a little too short.

I nodded, and once the car was in control I raised my phone to my face, found her number and made the call. She surprisingly answered on the third ring. She sounded spooked and completely out of breath.

“Hey, sweetie, it’s me. Ivey called and—”

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Ana. I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me, please.”

“Babe…” I glanced at Noelle for assistance, but she only shrugged at me as dumbfounded as I was, apparently. “What do you mean? Why would I hate you?”

“Locks gone and it’s all my fault. I’m sorry, Ana. I’m so sorry.”

“Whoa wait a minute. Locks’ not gone. He’s not, he’s—” I tried to explain, but Phoebe cut me off.