Page 94 of My Retribution Too


All eyes moved to me.

I stepped closer.

“Where’s Santos?” I queried, leaning on the table, my hands flat on the smooth surface.

“No clue. He left his phone with me though so I could call you. How’s Phoebe? I heard she had a close call. Someone tried to grab her? I hope she’s alright.”

I stiffened, my thoughts immediately going to a place I didn’t like. “Are you telling me you had something to do with someone breaking into my house. Of assaulting my woman?”

Schindler was silent for a long moment before I heard him take a long deep breath.

“Oh, detective. It seems you are quite mistaken. You see. Phoebe is mine. She’s always been mine. I’m the one she dreams about. I’m the one she thinks about constantly. I’m the one she loves. Did you know that I was her first? She gave herself to me. Promised to always be mine until she took her last breath. I’m just here to collect what belongs to me. You can understand that, right?”

I cracked my neck, easing the tension that was threatening to overpower me and decided to play this… a little different.

I laughed. “Yeah, that’s right you two had a thing. Back in the day.” I tsked and commented, “I remember she briefly mentioned that.”

“We had more than athing. We had a connection,havea connection. We’re made for each other. Let no man take asunder.” He replied, his voice laced with a little defiance and a little grit.

“Hmm interesting. You know, she hasn’t mentioned you except for that one night,” I admitted then chuckled, making my voice light and nonchalant, “But then again, we don’t do that much talking either. Her mouth is too busy doing other things to speak. You know how that is. Or maybe you don’t. You say she belongs to you? Yeah, I don’t think so. You see, it’smyname she calls out in her sleep. It’smyname she moans when I’m fucking her sweet, tight pussy. It’smyface she wakes up to in the morning and mine when she falls asleep. You say she belongs to you? Yeah, I don’t think so. Sounds like she belongs to me, sport.”


Actually, you could hear a pin drop in the room I was in as well. I glanced up and found every eye on me, mouths open, shock on everyone’s faces.

I gave the entire room the finger and focused back on the quiet phone.

“Hello?” I goaded. “You still there? Cat got your tongue?” I could hear him breathing heavily on the other line. I kept going, why not, right? “Face it, Schindler. You’re nothing but a distant memory. She’s upgraded. Why settle for an eight ounce sirloin, when you can have a twenty ounce porterhouse. But hey, I’ll let her know you said—”

“I’m going to find her and when I do, I’m going to beat her face in, then fuck her in every hole she has. Then, if there’s anything left, I’m going to let my friends have a go at her and anyone else I find before I slit her throat.”

I leaned closer to the phone, unable to stop the venom lacing my voice, the fury flowing through my veins. “You’ll have to go through me to get to her, and I promise you on everything that won’t ever fucking happen, you stupid son of a bitch! Do you hear me? You’ll never get to her, not while I’m still breathing.”


“Oh, don’t worry,” he finally replied, his voice eerily calm. “You won’t be breathing for much longer.”

The call dropped and the phone’s locked screen appeared.

I closed my eyes and continued to breathe in and out. Rage, the likes I’ve never felt, poured over me like thick molasses. It stuck to every part of my body, causing my heartbeat to pound against my chest.

When I opened my eyes, I said to Ivey, “Find that motherfucker now.”

“I’m on it.” He turned and left the room, his phone to his ear.

I straightened to my full height, twisted my neck from side to side, and took a few more deep breaths before I directed my attention to the room. I placed cold dark eyes on Santos, but it was Muñoz who spoke up.

“It looks like you have a lot on your plate. Why don’t you let me take care of thismaricónfor you? He and I have a lot to talk about.”

I pointed to him and warned, “Stay out of it. If Miguel shows up dead, you’ll be on my list, understand?”

Muñoz raised his hands in surrender.

I reached in my pocket for my wallet and pulled out one of my cards. I placed it on the table and pushed it towards Santos.

“Call me if you have any information on your nephew, if he calls, or has the balls to show up. Let’s end this peacefully and by the book.”