Page 87 of My Retribution Too

Lock stiffened, his forehead creased, voice dropped low, a hint of warning in his voice. “What pictures?”

“Pictures of you and your wife.”

His eyebrows rose and I could see his demeanor growing defensive. I hurried up to explain. “I didn’t invade your privacy on purpose. The cap from the tequila bottle fell underneath the ottoman.” I pointed to the piece of furniture behind his right shoulder to bring home my point. “When I pushed it away to get the cap, the album was right there. It was open and I couldn’t help it but scroll through. Your wife was beautiful, by the way.”

I noticed his shoulders ease up just a tad, but the brooding remained.

“So, let me get this right. You’re basing your argument, on how I feel about you, on fucking pictures?”

“Pictures say so much, Lock. And your pictures spoke volumes. God, you look like you were so in love. From what I could tell, you gave your whole soul to her. She was your entire world, your universe.”

“You’re right, she was. She was my wife, for fuck’s sake.” The bass of his voice dropped when he said the word wife. It caused my heart to crack even more, my body started to shake and dread deepen within my soul.

“No, there’s more to it than that. What I saw between you two was the same thing I’ve seen between Ayana and Brad. That connection that—”

Lock shook his head. “No, I can tell you with all certainty that’s not the case.”

“Yes, it is. Maybe you can’t see it, but I can.”

“Hold on a second,” He raised his hand, signaling he wanted the floor. I gave it to him, folding my arms and going quiet.

“First of all, no one can tell me how I feel orfeltabout my wife. Not you from some stupid fucking pictures, not anyone. I loved my wife, I’m not disputing that. She was everything to me, yes. She was a beautiful woman, both inside and out. I was lucky to have her in my life, to spend the time I did with her. She changed me, made me a better man because of the love she had for me. She will always be a part of me, that will never change.”

Hearing his words, seeing the passion in his clouded gray eyes, a truth finally hit me.

“You’re not over her. You’ll never be, will you?”

He didn’t reply.

Fucking, fuck me… Why hadn’t I seen that before?

I needed to get out of here before my entire world collapsed on me and I died right here, right now. I headed for the living room, praying I could make it to my room before this agonizing scream that was at the base of my throat, roared free.

God, I was so fucking stupid.


To think he would ever fall in love with me. That he would ever want me. I had hoped, I really did, but after this shit, after seeing the fresh pain still living in his eyes, reality finally slapped me in the face.

“Phoebe, take one more fucking step and I swear you’ll see another side to me you’ve never seen before and believe me you won’t fucking like it.”

That tone… low, calm yet dominant, controlled, unhinged and unpredictable… jeez it sent all kinds of chills down my spine. I stopped, naturally. I mean, wouldn’t you?

Sure, like you I thought about testing him. Defying him to see what he would do, but I knew from the tone in his voice, whatever threat he posed, I wouldn’t enjoy it.

“You and I are having a conversation,” he stated plainly, but I still heard and felt the darkness in his tone. “Now come back in here so we can finish. I have shit to say.”

Not ready to concede completely, after all I did have some pride, I turned around, but I didn’t look at him nor did I move. I watched him take a few deep and calming breaths, through my side vision, before he stepped around the back of the couch to face me. I folded my arms against my heaving chest to protect myself from his wrath and waited for him to continue.

I heard him sigh, his anger threatening to suffocate me. I remained where I stood, arms still folded, eyes looking out of the sliding glass door leading outside.

“This defiance you’re showing me would be cute if I had the patience to deal with it, but you and I both know I do not. So, Kitten, if you don’t want to be bent over my knee, my hand heating up your beautiful ass cheeks, I suggest you lose your fucking attitude, get your ass over here and sit down.”

Wow!!! Just…wow!