Page 82 of My Retribution Too

“The plan was to sneak her and her kids out of her bedroom window. Her house was a ranch style home, and her room was in the back of the house. The asshole happened to be home, but he was passed out on the couch. It was supposed to be a quick snatch and grab.”

“The best laid plans, am I right?” Ayana offered, and Phoebe gave her a small smile.

“Pretty much. To make a long story short, I got to the window and saw she was a mess. Apparently, the asshole hit her again that same night and she could barely lift her kids through the window. I had to improvise. I called for backup, which was Reed and Garrett. They came into the backyard, and I instructed her to take her kids and head to the back door. We were almost in the clear when she turned back and said she had forgotten her mom’s jewelry.”

Groans erupted all around the room.

“Please tell me you didn’t fall for that shit?” Homer asked.

Garrett pointed at Phoebe. “You know she did. And it was a clusterfuck of epic proportions.”

“Only because you idiots let her come back into the house,” Phoebe bit back, rose to her knees in the chair, and placed her palms on the table. She was brimming with anger as she continued to tell her story.

“I successfully retrieved her mom’s stuff and was halfway out of the window when I heard screaming coming from inside the house. I knew it was Sophie, so I went to investigate. On the way, I grabbed a bat sitting next to the door of the bedroom. I turned the corner and saw a sight that made me see red. Her boyfriend was standing over her, punching her in the face as if she was a man. So, I lost it. I kicked him in his balls from behind, then hit him in the knee and…” she shrugged and didn’t elaborate further.

“And what?” Ayana asked, excitement in her voice and eyes.

“And nothing. Everything happened in a blur. I remember hitting him in the knee, then in the nuts with my steel-toed boots. The next thing I remember was Reed standing in front of me. He grabbed the bat and told me to get the fuck out. As I left, the piece of shit was on the floor, in a fetal position, crying.”

“I can tell you what she did,” Tyler cut in. “She blacked out and beat him as if he was a piñata.”

Everyone gave her wide eyes. It was hard for us to believe Phoebe was capable of such violence, despite what she did to the guy who tried to grab her. She was just so sweet and innocent. But one person wasn’t shocked to hear how Phoebe defended herself. No, that nut stood and started clapping, a huge smile on her face.

“My girl,” Ayana praised, grinning broadly. “That’s what I’m talking about. Good for you. I told you that shit would kick in.”

“What? Are you teaching women to beat the shit out of dudes with bats?” Tyler asked her.

Ayana placed her hands on her hips. “No. But let me tell you what was running through her mind. Phoebe needed to incapacitate him fast. So, she went for his balls first, making sure they went right up his throat. Then she quickly went for his knees instead of, let’s say, his head which would have been something you knuckleheads would have done. After that, she went on attack, taking advantage of him being down and making sure he stayed down. That’s what we teach our women. Incapacitate your attacker by any means, then run like the wind. But if you have the advantage, let’s make them pay for ever touching you.”

“What kind of shit is that?” Sol interjected. “What if they had a weapon or something and while you’re getting your licks in, they pull it out and kill you?”

Ayana tsked and shook her head.

“Oh, Sol, you have a lot to learn. I’m telling you, you guys should come to one of my classes. I don’t instruct the women to go on attack every time. But in Phoebe’s instance, she had a lovely bat in her hand, and she witnessed the fucker beating the hell out of a defenseless woman. So yeah, she taught his ass a lesson he would never forget.”

Ayana’s smile turned sinister. “Good fucking job, sis. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks,” Phoebe replied, and I swear she blushed.

“You women are fucking crazy,” Tyler replied, shaking his head.

“Wait a minute…I remember that case.” Danny went to his computer and, after a few heartbeats, looked up and smiled in my direction. “Yeah, boss, remember? The chief called you specifically. He claimed his buddy, an upstanding citizen, claimed someone broke into his son’s house, beat the shit out of him and kidnapped his family. Remember, we thought it strange that there was no footage of the abduction.” Danny looked at Tyler. “I take it you took care of that?” Tyler nodded, and Danny continued. “Also, there wasn’t a call for a ransom to go with his claim of them being kidnapped. But he was fucked up. Remember, he claimed he was jumped by like ten guys or something.”

I did remember and I couldn’t believe this was the same case. I had wondered, at that time he told his story that he had to be lying. There was no way his family disappeared without a trace. I was thinking he had done something to his family and covered it up. Now I knew the truth.

Phoebe smiled. “Garrett kept his eyes on the scene to make sure there wasn’t any blowback on us. There wasn’t, but I saw the little pussy in the ambulance. I didn’t even hit him hard.”

Everyone in the room glanced around each other before everyone bust out laughing, except for me. I was so far passed pissed the fuck off that it was insane that I hadn’t gone off. I knew I promised I’d keep my shit in check but was she fucking serious? I get the whole escorting women to safety, but she was doing this by herself. When the husbands or boyfriends were home? What if one of them got a hold of her? Then what? Yeah… the second the people get the fuck out of my house, we were dealing with this shit.

This had to be what Schindler was talking about. The danger she was placing herself in. And what about Reed Watson and Garrett Tyler, her so-called friends? Did they really just sit in the fucking car and wait for her to come back?

I leaned against my chair and watched her smiling, high fiving the guys, and Ayana. When she turned to face me, I knew the second she caught the expression on my face.Yeah, Kitten. You and I are going to have a nice long chat…

Now,Ineeded a fucking drink.

About another houror so had passed and calls started coming in from those we were able to contact. They had made it to safely to their destination. The ones we weren’t able to get a hold of were still MIA. Phoebe had called in a couple of shadow warriors to check on the women, but they had contacted us with no good news. The women were gone. Clothes were left as well as phones, even the burner phone. They were all still at the apartments.

I gave instructions to my team to start surveillance on their spouses. I wanted to know where they went, who they talked to, everything. If these men did a snatch and grab of their own, we needed to find them and their wives before it was too late.