Page 7 of My Retribution Too

I closed my eyes and tried to picture her face, to erase the disfigured face I had just seen and focus on the smile she used to greet me with every time I saw her. She was such a beautiful woman, a beautiful soul. She didn’t deserve this. It was all my fault.

“Pike, can you just give her a minute? Can’t you see she’s having a hard time?” That was Sol, trying his best to intervene.

Pike’s voice seemed to darken with frustration when he spoke next.

“Look, I’m trying to sort this shit out. I have a dead woman in that house—”

I opened my eyes and sent daggers right to his throat. I barked out, my voice filled with the venom I felt, the loathing. Might as well take it out on this schmuck. “That deadwomanhappens to be my friend, and she has a name, you heartless son of a bitch!”

“Whoa, calm down, Phoebe,” Sol coached lightly, placing his hands up in a calming gesture.

I rolled my eyes and bit out, “Fuck him.”

“Hey, you listen to me.” Pike growled, pointing a finger at me. “I can arrest you for obstruction of justice. Your so-calledfriendis lying in that house, dead. Now, I want some answers.”

I gave him the finger.

“Alright, you know what, Stevenson, take her downtown. Throw her in a cell overnight, see if she’s talkative in the morning.”

Oh shit…

I looked up at Sol with pleading eyes. I backed away from everyone, trying not to freak out. That’s when I heard him. His voice seemed to boom throughout my body.

“If any of you touch her, I will break every bone in your fucking fingers.”

I glanced behind the mini crowd in front of me and locked eyes on my hero, my savior. Granted, he looked pissed as hell and when his fierce gray eyes landed on me, I knew why. But I didn’t care. He was here. I could feel my body’s tension ease ever so slightly as he came closer.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Mills?” Pike questioned, his posture straightening, trying to look menacing or foreboding. It didn’t work. Lock ignored him and stepped up to me.

He glanced heavily into my eyes. I could see the anger swimming in his stare, but I also saw his jaw slacken a little.

“You alright?” he asked me.

I shook my head, being as honest as I could, fighting back the tears ready to cascade down my dampened cheeks.


I wanted him to wrap me in his arms, to hold me close. But he didn’t. He was all business as he turned and faced Pike. Ivey stepped up next to me and Sol stepped to the other side. It was as if they were creating a protective wall around me.

“What do you have, Pike?” Lock asked him.

He narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t have to answer to you, Mills. This is my case.”

“Yeah, and Santos is mine. So, it looks like we have a stalemate.”

“This has nothing to do with Santos,” he bit back, but I could hear the confidence in his voice wavering slightly.

“This is his house. Have you identified the victim yet?”

Pike didn’t reply.

“Yeah, I figured as much. I’ve already spoken with the captain. The case is mine.”

“You son of a bitch,” Pike barked, his bite back in his voice.

“That I am. Hand over what you have so far to Sol. We’ll keep you posted about what we find. If this has nothing to do with Santos, we’ll be happy to kick it back to you.”