Page 48 of My Retribution Too

“Your nephew. He’s under arrest for the murder of his girlfriend.”

“And I’m sure you have a warrant to be here.”

I reached into my back pocket with my free hand and pulled out the folded warrant. I didn’t bother with unfolding the paper. I offered it to him, and he took it with slowness, making sure not to stir up any of my men.

See, he was a pro at this…

He opened the paper and read slowly, carefully. Another man came up behind him, escorted by someone from SWAT. I recognized the man, so signaled for the SWAT guy to let him approach.

Santos handed the folded paper to his lawyer and regarded me.

“So all this is for my nephew?”

I shrugged. “You never know with him. If he could easily beat his girlfriend to death without a second thought, no telling what he was capable of. Better be prepared.”


I took my eyes off Santos and continued to eye the crowd, who seemed to grow even more pissed off as the time went on.Fuck’em

“Sergeant, you came for the boy. You have no right to harass—” began the suit, but I raised my hand and he smartly shut up.

He’s used to this shit too, it seemed.

I was just about to round up my team once I saw we had Miguel in custody, when Santos spoke.

“I hear you have a witness. I hope she is reliable.”

I stiffened from the underlying threat and took a few deep breaths. I approached Santos until we were inches apart from each other.

“I’m only going to say this once. Stay far away from this shit. We have a case that’s so fucking tight not even your pencil-sized dick could penetrate. But if you’re thinking of coming for me or mine, let me stop you in your tracks. Same rules apply as before, Santos. Shit hasn’t changed. Fuck with my team, you die. Fuck with my family, you die. But if you fuck withher, I will tear everything you have apart right before I snatch your heart from your chest and squeeze it until your life oozes between my fingers. Do you understand me? She has nothing to do with this. Your boy fucked up. It’s as simple as that.”

Santos smiled at me, knowing he had gotten to me, which was fine. I had an ace up my sleeve and I leaned in and whispered.

“Here, let me give you a little bit of info to direct your attention to something more… pressing.” I leaned in closer and fake whispered. “You know the woman that your dumbass nephew beat to death? Her name wasn’t Ansley Ruiz, it’s actually Ansley Muñoz.”

I leaned back to see just how much I had fucked up his life. It was evident too. His eyes were wide as fuck. I could hear his heart pounding against his chest.

I smiled. “Yeah… I know. Crazy, right? But what’s even more twisted is that Muñoz reported his daughter missing in Houston over a year ago. What are the odds he suddenly relocated here, the same place where his daughter disappeared to? Do you think he knew where his daughter was and that’s why he relocated? Imagine how pissed the fuck off he’ll be when he learns your nephew killed her. That little shit has been beating on her for months. Did you know that? Do you condone that shit?”

I shook my head, knowing he did.

“Yeah, you do. But I can tell you one thing Muñoz doesn’t. He despises that shit. His mom was the victim of domestic violence. She was killed by her husband, Muñoz’s father.” I leaned in again and added. “Who do you think killed his father?”

“You ready to go, boss?” Ivey asked, coming up to me.

I kept my eyes on a shocked as fuck Santos.

“Yeah,” I replied to Ivey. “Let’s get everyone out of here. But of course, before we do, check everyone’s ID first. If there’s anyone with outstanding warrants, I don’t care if it’s for unpaid tolls, take them in.”

“You got it.”

Ivey left my side to relay my orders to the team.

I took a deep breath and waited for Santos to break the silence between us. I didn’t have to wait long.

“So, am I to believe you’re going to keep the information about his daughter from Muñoz?”

“Oh, fuck no. First off, he already knows or he will soon. We’ve already contacted Houston police and told them we found her. We didn’t give them specifics, but after tonight, it will be out there for everyone. What I won’t do is go over there and tell him now. I’m going to give you a chance to tell him yourself. Work some shit out. But you better work fast.”