Page 47 of My Retribution Too

“That son of a bitch. He got a got damn nerve…” Noelle narrowed her eyes on me, fire shooting through them. “I hope you lit into his ass.”

“Oh, I did. I didn’t let him talk to me like that. He calmed down but I’m just saying, now I understand why he talked to me the way that he did.”

“No fuck that,” Ayana said bitterly. “He shouldn’t have said shit to you. You being with Lock has nothing to do with him.”

I leaned in close to her, suddenly aware of where we were and his guys close to us.

“Actually, it has everything to do with him. You know what I do and what Reed does for me. You said it yourself, if Lock ever found out…”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t do it all the time,” Ayana denoted. “He only helps you in extreme circumstances. I’m sure Lock won’t find out.”

“How can you be so sure?” I disagreed. “You said it yourself, you and Reed, Lock is like a blood hound. He’s going to find out everything, whether I tell him, or he figures it out on his own. Then what?”

“Then you deal when it comes.” Ayana countered with finality in her voice and eyes.

We fell silent after that. I had nothing to add and neither did Ayana.

I imagined she remained quiet because she knew I was right. If Lock ever found out that Reed sometimes broke the law by creating fake passports for some of the women we saved, he would have the feds coming down on them so fast it would make all of our heads spin. I couldn’t allow that to happen. Reed had done me a favor. He risked his business for me, and I couldn’t treat him like a lamb and bring him to slaughter. I needed to protect him, no matter what. If that meant that I didn’t get to have Lock, then I had to take that chance. There was no other way.

“Here’s how I see it,” Noelle chimed in and both Ayana and I gave her our undivided attention. She glanced at both of us before she said to me, “You’re going to have to give up what you do. I don’t mean volunteering, but I mean the extra, starting now. Lock isn’t going to concern himself with what you’ve done in the past. It doesn’t concern him. But he will be interested in what you’re doing now, especially if you two get together.”

“But that’s just it,” I said, fighting back frustrated tears. “We probably won’t get together. He’s been hiding from me this past week. I’ve barely seen him.”

That caused Noelle’s eyebrows to raise into her forehead. Ayana just shook her head. “Typical Lock. He’s feeling something for you and it’s freaking him out. He’s running. But what I say is don’t let him.”

“How can I do that?” I asked, hoping she had the holy grail on all that was Lockhart Mills.

Ayana pushed her eyebrows up and down suggestively. I rolled my eyes. “Ayana, I don’t want to use my body to get to him. I want him to want more than just my body.”

She leaned in and squeezed my thigh. “Woman, he does. You just have to remind him about it. Here let me tell you what to do. I guarantee you it’s going to work.”



My team spread out, flanking me as I moved purposefully through the front door of a rather large house, borderline mansion if I was being honest. The butler tried to stop me, but I just laughed at him and pushed him aside. Ivey took care of him and badged him as I kept moving. The house was sparse yet opulent with pricey shit everywhere. I almost knocked down this huge ugly ass vase on purpose, just to see the butler have a coronary. I kept my urges intact, however someone else didn’t.

There was a loud crash behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw the huge vase I had passed on the floor in pieces. I looked into Ivey’s amused expression, his rifle up and a smirk on his face. The butler was behind him spurting Spanish from his red face. I grinned at Ivey, couldn’t help that shit.

I love my fucking team.

We kept moving through the vast foyer, my guys, along with SWAT fanning out, covering every opened doorway, closed door, stairway or corner we passed.

I guess it would be advantageous of me to mention that I didn’t have my weapon up. Oh, my Glock was in my hand, but my hand was at my side. I was too busy hunting for a son-of-a-bitch by the name of Miguel Santos. The motherfucker fucked up. The forensic team came back with news that had me and my team moving quickly.

Apparently, Ansley Muñoz fought back and managed to get the skin cells of her attacker underneath her fingernails, as well as traces of blood that wasn’t hers in the ring that she wore on her right ring finger. The pathology report came back and matched Santos’s DNA to the skin and traces of blood on the body. That’s all we needed to arrest and convict his sorry ass. Now it was time to collect him, and our sources said he was at his uncle’s home in Plano. We also learned that Luis Santos was throwing a little shindig today. What a perfect opportunity to crash it.

I opened the sliding glass door to the backyard for my team, and they moved quickly, spreading out on the crowded patio, yelling for everyone to get down on the ground. Shock filled everyone’s faces before they complied. Of course, there were some that didn’t and were forcefully pushed down, faces in the dirt, before others realized it would be in their best interest to comply.

I stopped and watched my men as they moved throughout the crowd, pushing people to the ground, men as well as indignant women. It stunned me every time I had to raid parties like this. The wives of these so-called gangsters acted as ifwewere in the wrong. Knowing damn well their husbands were criminals of the worst kind. Hell, some of the women we encountered were worse than their husbands.

I surveyed the area until I found the little shit I was looking for. He was easing to a side exit with one of his men. I activated my throat mic and instructed my team to surge to my right. We had found our man. My team acknowledged my message, and I saw a swarm of guys heading in Miguel’s direction.

“Sergeant Mills, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?”

I glanced to my left to find Luis Santos heading in my direction, his hands in the air, showing he wasn’t a threat.

I waited until he got close and responded.