Page 42 of My Retribution Too

“Just a couple of spoons of sugar, that’s it,” I replied as I picked up the sandwich and took a bite. I groaned as I chewed, tasting various meats, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo, oil and vinegar and… oregano?

“Do you like it?” he asked.

I nodded, still chewing.

“Yes,” I mumbled in between bites, swallowed then repeated. “Yes, it’s so good. And the bread is soft too. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Lock and I ate and talked a little in between awkward silence. I did most of the talking, asking about his house, how long had he lived here, the square footage, and how many bedrooms. He was very forthcoming and even promised a tour after we ate. I clapped, very excited, which caused him to laugh. That seemed to open the floodgates between us.

We started talking about the housing market, the style of homes we liked, you know, like would we prefer a one story or two? If we wanted a craftsman style home or a ranch, Tudor, or a contemporary home, stuff like that.

We talked about where in the city we wanted to live and funny thing we both said Plano or the surrounding area. There’s just something about this part of the Dallas area that I loved. It was alive and booming. It could be very expensive to live in this area north of Dallas, but in my opinion, it was worth it. Plus, our family and friends were here.

I wouldn’t want to live in south Dallas or west and be far from Ayana and Noelle. Not that we wouldn’t see each other. It’s just easier when we are close. Any time we meet up for drinks or lunch or something, it’s a fifteen minute drive tops for us. Imagine if I had to drive an hour. I don’t think we would meet up as often and that would truly suck.

“Question, why did you buy a townhouse instead of a house when you moved here?” Lock inquired. “Based on talking to you, you seem like a house person, someone who would love a large house to entertain, a yard to garden.”

I shrugged before answering, finished with my sandwich, and sipping on the hot refill he’d just given me.

“I didn’t want to sprout roots, I guess. I figured it would be easier to sell if I had to move again.”

“How many cities did you live in before you came here?” Lock was still shirtless, let me just put that out there. I was surprised I was able to keep my wits about me this whole time. Maybe it was the hungry pangs that distracted me. But now that I was full, I couldn’t help but notice the definition this man possessed.

“Only two, besides my hometown, and I didn’t stay long. I moved to DC thinking I could blend in with the crap load of people living there, but that wasn’t the case. He found me within four months. Then I moved to Tampa but stayed for a couple of months before Reed talked me into moving to Dallas. He and I kept in touch after I left the army. When he returned stateside, he talked me into moving to his hometown. He said he’d be able to keep a better eye on me and it would give him a chance to catch Byron in the act and make sure he paid for his crimes.” I chuckled awkwardly. “I’m sure you could know how he would dish out payment.”

Lock nodded, placing his cup on the table and folded his arms.

“Yeah, I can. And you two never…”

I scrunched my face up in disgust. “Ew… no. Never. He and I were friends, and we remained friends. Sometimes, he thinks he’s my father instead of my brother or something, but that’s all we are…friends.”

Lock gave me this look that told me he wasn’t buying it. However, he dropped the subject and stood.

“Why don’t I show you around before we call it a night? I need to get up in a few hours. My team is swamped with cases, on top of the two we picked up last night.”

I cringed, knowing two were my fault. “I’m sorry about all of this, really I am,” I offered, feeling like shit. His team was mixed up in my mess.

“Phoebe, you have nothing to be sorry for. None of this is your fault.” He reached across the table and covered my hand with his.

I glanced down at our connection, feeling the warmth of his touch cover me.

“Hey, look at me.” I did. “Do you hear me? None of this is your fault.”

“I hear you, Lock. But it doesn’t stop me from feeling guilty.”

“I know. Just know that we don’t think that. We’re solving a case of a woman who was brutally murdered. It doesn’t matter whether you were there, or that you knew this woman, or that you were present. We would have gotten this case anyway. I’m just gladweended up with this case, and no one else. I don’t want you to worry.” When I gave him a look that said fat chance in hell, he chuckled and amended his statement. “Okay, trynotto worry as much.”

I smiled. “I can’t promise you anything, but I’ll try.”

“That’s all I ask.” Lock stood, leaned forward, and brought my hand to his lips. He kissed my knuckles lightly and stood to his full height.

“Come on,” he dropped my hand and picked up both our plates. “Let me show you around before I crash.”

I nodded and watched as he disappeared into the kitchen, noting his flexing shoulder and back muscles.

I knew the man was built, cut to perfection, but I never got to see just how blessed he was with my eyes. I felt them bulge and coil when he was driving into me, but to see them live and in motion…Damn…