Page 37 of My Retribution Too

Lock’s eyes then went to me.

“Ivey and Sol are going to take you to a secured location. But before that, they will take you to Target or Walmart or wherever for some essentials you may need. Unless you want us to go to your townhouse.”

I shook my head vehemently. “No, that’s okay.”

“Alright, stay close to Ivey and Sol. I’ll meet up with you later and we’ll go over next steps, your schedule, things like that.”


He gave me a nod, then did the same to Reed and Garrett, before walking away.

Once he was gone, Reed mumbled, “I hate that fucking guy.”

Sol replied, which I hadn’t expected, but silently agreed. “The feeling is mutual, believe me.”


Case Monroe stepped into a dark room. He turned on the light and gasped.

“Holy hell… What happened in here?” he queried to no one in particular.

The TV room was completely trashed. The 60-inch TV was no longer mounted on the wall. It was broken in various pieces with some of them speared through the glass coffee table. Or what was once the coffee table. The two end tables were thrown against the wall, shards of shattered glass and wood where they used to be.

The couch looked as if someone stabbed it to death. Cushions were slashed, the cotton pulled out and thrown askew all over the floor. It was chaos in here as if a tornado ransacked the small room.

He glanced around for his boss and found him sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, a look of anguish on his face. He sighed, knowing the reason for the destruction before him, and the look of despair had to do with his boss’s well-thought-out plan failing.

“I take it you didn’t get her.” he asked his boss, already knowing the answer but needing to ask anyway.

Byron Schindler didn’t respond, which was to be expected. Case had seen him this angry before and it wasn’t pretty then and it damn sure wasn’t pretty now.

He stepped over the pieces of glass and wood strewn all over the floor to make his way completely inside the room. He kept eye contact with his boss, making sure the man was still with him.

The plan had gone sideways, that was obvious. But how did it go sideways.

“What happened?” he asked.

Byron took a few deep breaths before answering, “She didn’t come back to the room. She called the fucking cops instead.”

He frowned. “Damn,” was all he said as he tried to think back to the communication he had heard about the job.

They had a guy in the bar watching Phoebe with her three friends. That gave them time enough to get rid of the couple that was spying on her, record over the security footage and get Byron into Phoebe’s room undetected. Byron waited in the room and was told when Phoebe and her friends were making their way to the hotel elevator.

The plan was to shoot both women, snatch Phoebe and bring her back here to the mansion. It was a simple snatch and grab. How did the plan go south?

“Boss, tell me what happened. The plan was solid.”

“Damn right the plan was solid. I should have my girl with me right now. I should be balls deep inside her pussy, but instead I’m here alone with your sorry ass.” Byron started muttering under his breath and Case couldn’t understand a word he said. Something about making him pay, but he was sure it wasn’thimhe was speaking of, but someone else.

Case put his hands up and moved closer to Byron.

“Okay. From what I know, you were waiting in her room for her to get there. You were told she was on the elevator with her friends. What happened after that?”

Byron blew out a breath, seemingly calmer now, or just enough to tell the story.

“Green said she was standing in the hallway staring at the door to her hotel room. Her friends were with her. I was ready. I redecorated the room already hoping the destruction would draw them in and I’d blast the two with her then grab my girl on the way out. But Green said she didn’t move. She looked spooked. Her friend pulled out a gun and started for the door, but Phoebe stopped her. The next thing I knew, Green said they were hauling ass back to the elevator. Green then warned that a cop was heading for the steps. Somehow the motherfucker missed him sitting in the lobby, the dumb son of a bitch. So, I had to high tail it on the other side of the hotel, and run down the steps and out the side door before anyone else saw me.”

Case let out a breath he had no idea he was holding. He understood why his boss was so pissed. He had been planning this snatch job for weeks. Every time he’d plan to grab her, some cop would be with her. He became completely enraged when he found out that the cop spent the night with her twice. It had been the same cop that warned him to stay away from her. He knew, as well as Byron, what this cop was capable of, they all heard the stories and read his personnel file. They knew what kind of detective he was, how brutal he could be if provoked.