Page 34 of My Retribution Too

“How do you think he knows about that? You’re not advertising it, are you?”

“God, no. No, nothing like that.”

Shit, it was everything like that, well for the most part anyway. Most of the victims living in shelters learned all about the underground railroad, i.e., the secret society of women that would help a victim of domestic abuse leave their abuser, start a new life. Some took advantage of the help, others did not. For those that needed help beyond what the underground railroad provided, that’s when I stepped up.

“Explain,” he prompted.

“I just mean that anyone could find out about the secret program, if they know how to look or ask the right questions.”

“Yes, but how does he knowyou’reinvolved? No one’s going to name you specifically as someone affiliated with such a program. I would assume you never provide your real name, so how does he know?”

I paused when he made his point clear. There wasn’t a way for Byron to know what I did in the dark unless he…

My eyes grew wide again, panic seizing my heart.

“He’s been following me.”

Lock nodded, as if satisfied that I finally got his point.

“Have you noticed anyone watching you?”

“No, I haven’t and believe me, I would know if he was following me. The hair on the back of my neck would stand at attention, and I would get this feeling in the pits of my soul. It happened all the time. My suspicions would then be proven when he’d leave something on my car, or I’d catch sight of him in the crowd or something. But that hasn’t happened, and I’ve been hyper-alert.”

“Maybe he knows that and has someone else watching you.”

That shut me up, and I fell back against the chair, lost for words.

We remained quiet for a long moment, both of us deep in thought. I felt his eyes on me, studying me again. I was staring off into the distance, feeling my life spiraling out of control, knowing what I would have to do next. It would crush me, destroy me, but I had to do it.

I needed to leave. That’s the bottom line here. I needed to pack up and move. This time I would hide better. No friends, no guilty pleasures like trying to live my life. I had barely enough money saved, but I would make do. And I wouldn’t tell a soul that I was leaving; it would be better that way. I had papers that didn’t come from Reed or Garrett, a new identity that I created using Garrett’s computer. He had showed me his methods a few times, and I paid attention to that, at least. I figured it would save my life one day and looks like that day was fast approaching.

I finally met Lock’s eyes and felt my heart crumble into tiny pieces. I was so close. So close to living a normal life; to finding happiness. It was within arm’s reach, literally. But I guess it was never meant to be. Tears began to well in my eyes, but I fought hard to keep them in check. I looked away just as Lock leaned into the table, his brows knitted, this expression filling his eyes that made my heart stop.

“Don’t even think about it,” he challenged, dark eyes matching a dark tone. “Do you understand me? The answer is no.”

Holy crap, did he know what I was thinking?

I opened my mouth to ask him, to argue my point, but nothing came out.

Lock continued. “I told you that you wouldn’t have to run again, and I meant that shit.”

“Lock,” I cried, closed my eyes and tears fell down my cheeks. He was going to make this so hard.

I felt him move closer, felt his warmth, his strength at my side. I looked away, especially when his hand rested on my neck. He tightened his hold and leaned in close to whisper in my ear. “If you think for one second that I would let you leave, you really don’t know me. If you think that I wouldn’t find you and bring you back home, you really don’t know me.” Lock shifted closer and said, “If you make me prove it, I will be one pissed off son-of-a-bitch and you really,reallydon’t want that. So, my advice… get the idea that all would be well if you left, out of your head now. That’s not an option. Running would never be an option.”

Someone called his name, and he stayed where he was for another second before he left me speechless, heart hammering, and turned on beyond belief. I let out a breath and slouched down in my chair. Holy shit… that was the sexiest shit I had ever experienced. Lock’s dominant side came out and oh it was the most glorious thing I had ever felt. I could literally feel his fury in the way he gripped my neck. The crazy thing, it wasn’t forceful or tight. He didn’t hurt me at all, but the control, the officious way he handled me, spoke to me. I damn near answered with, yes sir. It was on the tip of my tongue.

Fuck me, I needed a drink after that, whew!

Lockand his team spent another hour gathering evidence and talking to hotel staff. Ayana, Brad, Noelle, Reed and Garrett stuck around, for what, I didn’t have a clue. Maybe they all felt my desperation to run. To hide. They all had this look in their eyes that warned, you better not…

I was exhausted. I wanted to crawl into a bed and sleep for a week.

“You look exhausted, babe,” Noelle observed, caressing my braid, smiling at me. My army of support was standing close to me, Ayana and Noelle sitting on either side of me, Reed and Garrett close but not too close, and Brad had wandered by his brother and team.

I was still pissed as hell with Reed and didn’t want to speak to him, much less see his face and he knew it too. Every time our eyes met, I gave him my best death glare. He would grunt and look away from me, but he didn’t say a word. Smart man.

“The hotel said they had another room available if you—”