Page 25 of My Retribution Too

“I’m sure you have, but honestly, the lifestyle is so much more than the movie or the book. But that’s a topic for another day. The point I’m trying to make is that Byron didn’t have my best interest at heart.

“For example, we were only supposed to play privately. When we were around others, we were just like every other couple. But Byron went against that, time and time again. And when I had had enough, he threatened me. I’d wake up in the middle of the night with a knife to my throat, one of his men hovering over me, green and black paint all over their faces, so I had no clue who it was. It was a threat that I took seriously.”

“And you couldn’t report him?” Noelle questioned.

“Hell no, I’d get kicked out of the army for such a thing. No, I kept my mouth shut and just prayed things would get better.”

“Did it?” Ayana asked, scowling.

“Not for a while, no. But this one night was different. I had been kneeling in front of him, his boys around me. They weren’t paying me any attention, going on about their miserable lives. Until Byron tied my hands behind my back and anchored them to my ankles, essentially hog-tying me. I had everyone’s attention then, especially when he cut off my clothes and left me naked, a ball gag in my mouth so I couldn’t scream, and I couldn’t get away. That’s when he said he was going to…um…share me with everyone in the room. Saying that… they would all get a chance to feel my tight… you know what.”

Noelle gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes watering as each quiet moment went by. Ayana grew angrier and angrier. I thought steam was about to burst from her ears, eyes, and nose.

“Tell me they didn’t…” she questioned, her voice deadly and cold.

I shook my head.

“No, they didn’t. And you know why. Because of God.”

“I don’t understand,” Noelle cut in.

“Our base was attacked that night. We were bombed. In fact, a building exploded close to ours, causing our building to collapse. I thought I was a dead woman, but I was found.”

“And they found you naked and tied up?” Noelle asked.

I smiled sadly, but it was Ayana that answered.

“No, he untied her before they came.”

I nodded.

“Yes, he did. He found me underneath the rubble, untied me and gave me a blanket to cover myself with. He and his team scattered before anyone else saw them.”

“That piece of shit!” Noelle blurted out.

Ayana nodded in agreement. “I’ll say. I swear, if I find that son of a bitch, I’m going to beat the shit out of him with a sledgehammer.”

“Don’t waste your energy on him,” I remarked, giving both my friends a squeeze of their arms. “Like I said, it was a blessing in disguise. After that day, he and his team stayed clear of me. I didn’t have to worry about him ever again.”

“Yeah, until that bitch approached you,” Noelle added, then shook her head. “I still can’t get over the shit you had to deal with.”

“I know. It should have made me stronger and maybe in some ways it has, but in others…” I trailed off, thinking of the nightmares that plagued me at night, how I refused to go back home.

“I think right now you’re doing the best you can. The fact that you’re helping these women get free of their abusers says a lot. And I think working with those clowns, Reed and Garrett, to make sure they stay hidden by any means necessary is probably keeping them alive.”

“Yeah, but will your brother-in-law feel the same way?” I questioned, knowing the answer.

“Fuck no. Oh, he’ll lose his shit and arrest those two clowns faster than you can say doomed.”

I slouched deeper in my chair and took the rest of my drink to the head. I grabbed Noelle’s and drank hers too. I frowned and glanced at her, reproach in my eyes. She shrugged.

“They had root beer. I hadn’t had one of those in a long time.”

I shook my head and chuckled at the two women who were both surrounding me with love, strength, and silliness.

“Let me ask you this…” Ayana spoke up. “Does Lock know your story? Like what happened to you in the army and what you do with Operation Freedom?”

“He knows a little. I told him about the assault, and I told him about Byron being a shitty Dom, but that was it. I didn’t go into details like I had done for you.”