Page 115 of My Retribution Too

Noelle glanced at the door, a panicked look on her face as if Ivey was on the other side of it. Phoebe leaned forward and grabbed Noelle’s hand. She then grabbed mine and squeezed, her eyes filling with tears.

“Thank you.”

I covered her hand with mine and squeezed. “There’s no need to thank us. I told you we had your back, no matter what.”

She sniffed. “I can talk to Brad for you. And Ivey if you want me to.”

I smiled. “Don’t worry about those two, they will be fine. Let’s just focus on you and making sure you get out of here safely. If something happens to you, it wouldn’t be Brad I’d have to worry about. It would be Lock.”

Speaking of… We heard someone calling Phoebe’s name in the distance. The voice was filled with pain, anxiety, and fear.

Phoebe perked up, her eyes wide staring at the closed door.

“Lock…” she mumbled low.

We heard him call her again. This time the voice was getting closer.

“Lock!” Phoebe called out. I stood and stepped away from her just as the door exploded inward.

Lock’s wild eyes searched the room until he found her. I swear the relief that filled his eyes brought tears to my eyes. The look of love, of complete and utter devotion that suddenly came over him from seeing the love of his life, damn near put me on my ass. I could barely breathe it was so overwhelming. They stared at each other for a long time. And I swear everything around them just fell away leaving only them as Lock barreled toward her. He flung the coffee table out of his way, damn near hitting Reed and his guys with it. He then picked up his woman and left the room. No words spoken at all. I didn’t even think he saw us. Then…

“You two get your asses downstairs before I send your men up here to get you!” barked Lock loudly, his voice ricocheting throughout the room.

Noelle and I jumped at the sound of his voice before we started for the door, grabbing each other’s hand as we left.

Before I stepped through the door, I looked back at Reed and Garrett. I gave them a nod of thanks and a wicked smile.

“Thanks guys.”

Reed sent a nod my way and Garrett gave me a salute.



The helicopter I was in touched down and Santos and his men peeled out of the bird, heading for the large mansion sitting on at least ten acres of land. I had no clue who this house belonged to. When Danny looked up the deed, it didn’t say Schindler. It was owned by some corporation that turned out to be bogus.

Ivey and my guys were on their way. It would take them about thirty minutes to get to where we were going.

When I arrived at Santos’s hanger, his pilot was there but he was drunk on his ass, claiming it was his day off. I almost put a bullet between his eyes if it wasn’t for Santos telling me he had someone else. That someone else was none other than Munoz and one of his men.

We ended up taking two helicopters filled with both of their men. I didn’t complain or give them shit about the illegal weapons his men carried. I would give them a pass this one time because I needed them. Hell, we needed each other. They wanted Miguel and probably Schindler. I wanted my woman. We’d work together for one common goal. After tonight, we would be back, our roles of bad guy and cop. But for now, we were allies.

Before I hopped out of the helicopter, we heard automatic gunfire. It looked as if someone else beat us here. Santos’s men flared out and started firing their guns at the house. I caught sight of about thirty men running along the parameter of the house engaging with Santos’s men. Some were even on the roof, firing down. I let Santos handle those men. I took cover in the trees behind me taking in my surroundings.

I brought up the plans for the house on my phone, trying to locate a place I could enter undetected. I found one on the west side of the house, away from the bullets and people. In the cover of darkness, I sprinted across the vast yard, head low, eyes surveying the house in front of me. My Glock was in my hand, sweeping the shadows, ready to fire the second I caught movement. I didn’t worry about identifying who came out of the darkness. Whether it was Schindler or Miguel’s men or even Santos’s men. If anyone prevented me from gaining access to this house, I would put them down.

I was about to clear the back of the house to the side when a door opened and out spilled three men. All three were armed with rifles. They frantically looked around, waiting to find someone to shoot. They didn’t see me. I remained in the shadows, a tree giving me cover.

“It’s clear boss, let’s go,” said one of the armed men. He glanced behind him at the doorway he’d just stepped from. I followed his gaze and found Schindler stepping out cautiously, a handgun tight in his grip.

I stepped out from the cover of the tree and took all three fuckers down, each getting one shot to the head. That left me and Schindler. Schindler raised his gun toward me, but mine was already on him. I fired once, in his shoulder. He dropped his gun and brought his hand to his wound. He grunted, stepped back doing his best to keep distance between us.

“Looks like my guy missed,” he said flatly.

I cracked my neck trying to keep my anger in check.

“Where’s Phoebe?”