Page 111 of My Retribution Too

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Warned Miguel, but no one listened.

Just as Byron’s man got close, I kicked out and placed a well-placed strike to his shin, then knee, and finally, when the asshole opened himself up, I kicked him in the balls.

This time I gave it everything I had, and the big guy went down. I landed a kick to the man’s face, and he stopped moving.

“I said don’t touch me,” I barked coldly, my eyes narrowing to slits. I looked up into Byron’s face that didn’t seem to lose his smile, which was unnerving. I already knew he was a psycho but watching him show no emotion whatsoever right now made my body shake with fear.

“Damn, woman, you have some grit to you.” He walked closer to me. I tensed ready for the blow that didn’t come. Well, let me rephrase that. It didn’t come right away. No he suckered me, pulled me in with his gentleness.

He gave me his best side smile. And hell, if I didn’t know the man, I would be putty in his hands. He was definitely still a charmer. Byron reached up and tried to caress my cheek with the backs of his finger, but I leaned back away from him. I didn’t want this man close to me and I damn sure didn’t want him touching me.

But I had forgotten how much Byron hated being rejected, especially in front of people. I saw the fist coming, I really did, but I couldn’t move to protect myself, block the hit or dodge it. Instead, I took it head on, right up against my cheek. And my lights went out yet again.

I woke to soft touches, a soft voice.

Lock… he finally made it.

“Lock…” I mumbled, my head throbbing, confused and fearful. Someone grabbed me forcefully by my chin. I opened my eyes to find Byron’s dark cold eyes on me, and if looks could kill… damn.

“It looks like I’m going to have to reteach you how a woman is supposed to respect her man. It’s been a long time, I get it. But disrespect me again, I’ll remind you how much you loved my punishments. If you ever say that name in my presence again, I will show you what it’s like to not have my protection. That motherfucker is dead. He will not come between me and you. We can finally live happily ever after.”

His grip on my face was so tight on my jaw I thought he was going to crush it. The pain was excruciating. It didn’t help that my face was still sore from Miguel slapping me and the punch he landed. I wanted to move away from him. I wanted to lash out, but the look in his eyes made me pause. I remembered that look. It was the same look he had that fateful night when our base got bombed. He meant everything he said and more that night and now. I would not test him or risk his wrath. I…

Suddenly, I felt Byron’s lips on mine, kissing me. His tongue pushed against my lips trying to gain entrance into my mouth.

Oh fuck no!

That’s when I started to fight back. I don’t know how to explain it, it was as if he was violating me, the sacred property of Lock. These were his lips to kiss, his to fuck. I didn’t belong to this piece of shit or anyone else. I belonged to Lock. I’d be damned if this asshole would defile what didn’t belong to him.

I struggled underneath his grip. It hurt like a bitch, but I didn’t care. I wiggled and pushed his chest.

When he finally let me go, bewilderment on his face, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and spit on the floor next to me.

“What is wrong with you?” I blurted coldly, forgetting where I was, who was kneeling in front of me and went off. “I don’t belong to you. You ruined that chance that night in your barracks. You tried to kill me, you son of a bitch, left me for dead for shit I didn’t even do. I wished I never met you. I wished you would have taken no for an answer and left me alone. You were the worst mistake of my life. I should have never given you a chance in the first place. I’m not yours to own. I’m not yours to kidnap and keep. Let me go before you do something stupid that will cause his wrath. And believe me, you don’t wanthiswrath.”

I didn’t see the backhand that flew in the air and landed right on my cheek and eye the same cheek and eye that was already swollen. I cried out as I hit the floor face first, pain exploding in both of my cheeks.

I cried out when a vicious kick landed in my midsection. I curled up into a ball as his boot stomped down on my legs, my knee, my shoulder, my arm. He raged above me, yelling and screaming, stomping me, punching me wherever he could find. I couldn’t make out a word he said. My ears were ringing from the blow to the face. I stayed tight as I could and eventually, he stopped.

I didn’t move. I didn’t relax. I continued to protect myself as best I could. My body ached everywhere, I remained tight as a ball. I ignored the pain, ignored his rage-filled rant. I prayed. I called out forHimto save me. ForHimto sendHisangels to rescue me.

I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. My breathing was erratic and darkness, my ole friend, was hovering above me, it’s promise of escape a welcome. I wasn’t sure about the event that happened next. I could have sworn I heard someone yell, “They’re here. We got to get the fuck outta here.” After that I heard a lot of footsteps, like a herd of buffalo running by. But my brain was garbled, and I wasn’t sure if what I was hearing was actually true.

But hearing them scrambling made me somewhat relax. It meant he was finally here. Lock.

Relaxing caused the darkness that once hovered above me to cover me. Ironically, the darkness didn’t feel cold this time. It felt warm against my skin. I shivered, but it had nothing to do with temperature or fear. I just couldn’t stop shaking. What I was thankful for was the lack of pain I had felt. I didn’t know how that was possible, but I was pain free. I relaxed my body and allowed the warmth I felt to take over my body. Light seemed to penetrate past my shut eyelids. I tightened them, but it was no use. The light was blinding despite my efforts.

“Phoebe, I need you to open your eyes,” asked a soft voice. I shook my head, not recognizing the voice and thinking it was Byron playing tricks on me.

“Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe. You can open your eyes.”

The woman’s voice was so pleasant, so warm and inviting. I wanted to open my eyes; I could feel my eyelids moving without my permission. But I tightened them, not wanting to give in for multiple reasons.

I felt a soft caress to my cheek and I frowned. Why did that touch seem awfully familiar? My body seemed to recognize it. I stopped shaking. My breathing slowed and so did the beating of my heart.

“It’s okay, your friends are here.He’shere. You’re safe now,” said the voice. It was soft against my ear, caressing me, soothing me. Wait, she said he was here. There was only one he…Lock.

I parted dry lips and spoke his name. Suddenly, the pain was back.