Page 12 of My Retribution Too

Lock narrowed his eyes on me, but I could tell he was thinking.

Seconds passed before he shook his head no.

“They couldn’t have, or you wouldn’t be standing in front of me. They would have known you were there and searched the house.”

“Okay, that makes sense, but what about when I left? The alarm didn’t go off, or at least I didn’t hear it, but what if he reset it when he left? My point is—”

“It’s possible they saw you exit the house… shit!”

Lock ran his fingers through his hair and glanced up at the sky.

I freaked out, but for different reasons.

I didn’t know much about Ansley’s ex. I figured he was bad news from the way she described him, but I wasn’t sure just how bad. I should’ve done more digging into the identity of Ansley, but at the time, I was just glad I could help her. It was sloppy, I know. I was never sloppy, but that was water under the bridge now.

“Okay, listen. What did you tell the detective when he interviewed you?”

“Nothing. He started about two minutes before you showed up.”

“Okay, that’s good. Tell me everything that happened again, how you entered the house. What you touched.”

“Well, I went through the back gate.”

“You said it was open?”


“Did you close it?”

I thought for a moment and tried to think back. “Yes, I did. But I grabbed the top part of the gate. I didn’t touch the metal latch.”

“Okay, what about the back door?”

“That was standing ajar. I didn’t touch it.”

“Did you close it?”

Shit… I closed my eyes and tried to think back, but I couldn’t remember. “Argh, I don’t remember. Maybe. But if I did, I know I used my shirt to grab the knob and close the door.”

“How do you know?”

I shrugged. “It’s sort of a habit,” I replied and prayed he didn’t dig deeper into that statement. Anytime I entered the house of one of my clients, I used gloves. If, for some reason, I forgot them or whatever, I used my shirt. I never touched anything with my bare hands. It had been a rule of mine. Leave no trace.

“Alright. What about when you were inside? Did you touch anything?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Closet door?”

“No, she opened the door and pushed me inside.”

“What about when you opened the door from the inside to leave the closet? Did you use your shirt to open the door?”

I froze, eyes wide, panic beginning to take shape in my heart. “N-no. I don’t think so. I wasn’t thinking… I was too busy freaking out. I… oh shit.” I clasped my hand over my mouth and just stared wide-eyed at Lock.

He didn’t say anything for a long moment, just looked at me. He glanced up at the sky, I hoped deep in thought. Besides the possibility of my mug being on someone’s security camera, my prints could be inside the house. I closed my eyes and chastised myself.How could I be so stupid?I knew this night wasn’t going to end well for me. I just didn’t think it would be this horrible.

“Alright, listen. We have to take your statement. I’m going to get Ivey to do it. Don’t tell him everything you told me. Just tell him your friend had called and asked you to come by. When you did, you noticed the back gate was open. You went inside fearing that something was wrong. That’s when you saw the back door was ajar and knowing your friend was there alone, you made sure she was safe. That’s when you found her.”