Page 104 of My Retribution Too

“She’s right. We need to go.”

I clapped my hands and smiled. “I knew you had balls. Let’s go.” I nodded to Noelle and we quickly made our way to the door of Garrett’s office.

“Oh, you’re not going anywhere,” Reed barked as I passed him and grabbed my arm.

I immediately went on attack. I broke his hold quickly, stepped down hard on his toes and used the web of my hand to chop him in the throat.

I saw Garrett jump up from his chair and head my way, but Noelle pumped her shotgun and pointed it at him.

“Uh-uh, just let them get this out of their system.”

I didn’t see the look on Garrett’s face, but I saw Noelle’s wide smile just before Reed released a haymaker of an open hand palm. It nearly collided with my face. I said nearly because I leaned back from his long reach stumbling back on my heels.

“I don’t want to hurt you, little girl,” Reed warned.

I laughed. “Oh please, I’ll wipe this fucking floor with your face before you can take your next swing.”

I went to swing goading him to make the next move. He easily pushed my punch out of the way and grabbed me again. This time I kicked him in the side of his knee, used his hold on me to lift my body and kick him in the chin. He let go and doubled back. I kicked him on the side of his other knee. He buckled, but he didn’t go down. That was fine with me. I smashed my palms hard against his ears sending shock waves through his head. He roared and swung. I ducked under his punch, grabbed his arm, spun, pulled myself up the big man’s body and wrapped my legs around his neck and with my momentum and my body leaning downward, brought both of us down to the ground. I landed fine, my legs tight around his neck cutting off his airway. I knew I was only able to get him down because I had attacked his knees, however I wasn’t going to lose this opportunity to subdue this big man either.

He writhed, kicked, punched my thighs. His punches hurt, but not enough for me to let go, to see past my rage that this son of a bitch thought was smart to put his hands on me. No one would ever put their hands on me in anger or otherwise again. Put that on my life, on my child’s life.

Finally, I felt three taps to my thighs. I let him go and pushed him away using my foot.

When I stood to my feet, do you know this fucker tried to sweep them. He thought he was clever, thinking I didn’t know how to fight in the street. I kicked him in his groin, pulled my gun and pointed it at his face.

Reed’s eyes widened as he looked up at me. I knew from his expression that he saw his death flash before his eyes. My finger was on the trigger, safety off, ready to apply just the right amount of pressure to end his fucking life.

“Whoa, whoa. Okay that’s enough, Ayana. I think you’ve taught him a lesson.” Garrett said pleadingly.

I was panting, tired, but extremely pissed off. I said between breathing, my eyes staying on the fuckface still on the ground holding his nuts, “I don’t know… who you think I am… but I will not sit by and let my friend get hurt or worse. No fucking way. Now, we can go together and you can keep us safe, or Noelle and I will go alone. But you will not stop us and…” I leaned in closer putting my gun right up against his forehead. “You will never put your fucking hands on me again. Are we clear?”

“Let’s just all take it easy now. Calm down,” Garrett instructed, trying to ease the situation, filling his voice with a calming tone. Probably the same one he used on his patients. The same one Phoebe told me she hated.

Noelle aimed her gun closer to Garrett’s face. “If you love Phoebe as much as you claim, let’s go and save her.”

Garrett and Reed locked eyes and Reed nodded. “Okay, let’s go.”

I stepped back and waited for Reed to stand. He cracked his neck and bent his back, stretching and rubbing his muscles. He gave me a hard look with an eyebrow raised. “You’re fucking crazy, do you know that?”

I smiled at him, engaged the safety on my gun and put it away.

“Yes. What’s your point?”

Reed shrugged and gave me a genuine smile for the first time. “Nothing, just making sure you knew it. Let’s get out of here.”



Istared out of the hospital window wondering when did this night turn to shit. Someone attacked my house again and even though I had Danny and patrol watching the house, shit still went sideways. I had a man down, fighting for his life, another missing in action. Plus, there was a patrol officer dead and another shot in the leg. My house had damn near burned to the ground, everything I fucking owned had gone up in flames, memories, pictures, everything. But to be honest, none of that mattered because my woman was missing.

My guys gave me updates on the search for MJ’s Maxima, of where my woman could have gone, and who could’ve taken her. We were hoping Homer had gotten her out of that house and we were waiting for him to report in, but so far, he hadn’t called, and Phoebe’s phone was turned off.

Fuck I felt helpless. I wanted to take one of these chairs in the waiting room and hurl it against the glass. I needed to break something, to destroy something, anything that would stop the ache in my chest from consuming me.

I closed my eyes and raised my face up to the heavens. I hadn’t prayed in a very long time. Not since He abandoned me and allowed my wife to die. I had lost faith, lost hope. And it didn’t help seeing the victims I discovered every day on the job. The innocent losing their lives and the evil still breathing on this earth.

But the night I dreamed about MJ made me start to believe again. It awakened new hope, trust and faith. Now I wasn’t so sure what the Almighty had in store, but I knew one thing. I would destroy this earth if anything happened to Phoebe.