Page 101 of My Retribution Too

We both glanced down at Noelle’s phone and found Ivey staring back at us. Noelle wiped her face and held up the phone.

I asked, “Did you tell Lock about his house?”

Ivey looked over at me, a sad look on his face.

“Yeah, I did. He’s on the phone with the cops at the scene. Danny is going over the security footage to find out what happened, but someone there said they saw a Maxima tear out of the garage so we’re hoping Phoebe is with Homer.”

I thought about what Phoebe said, that she didn’t want anyone else getting hurt, not after Homer. Her chest squeezed against her heart, but she didn’t tell Ivey what Phoebe said. Instead, she asked, “Do you have any idea where they are?”

“Not really. Phoebe’s phone is off. Homer’s phone is apparently stuck inside the burning house.” My heart seized with that news, and I stared up at the house, dread filling my heart. “The last ping we got from Phoebe’s phone was some warehouse in Farmer’s Branch.”

I glanced back at the phone, a new burst of energy flowing through me.

“Reed and Garrett’s warehouse?” I asked.

Ivey nodded. “We think so. However, they aren’t answering their phones.”

With a new mission at hand, I put the car in reverse and drove backwards for a few feet, did a k turn, and got the hell out of the neighborhood.

“Where are you going?” Ivey asked. I didn’t answer.

I felt Noelle’s eyes on me, but she didn’t answer either.

“Fuck! You two stay out of this. I mean it. Don’t let me send—” Ivey’s voice disappeared as Noelle placed her phone to her ear.

“Babe, I know, but you know how she is when she gets like this. Yes, I’m sure that’s where we’re going. Okay. Yes…I will baby trust me. Okay. Love you too.”

She hung up the call and placed her phone on her lap.

“You told him you would talk me out of it?” I prodded, glancing to my right quickly before bringing my eyes back to the road. Noelle nodded her head and turned towards me, her face a mask of fury.

“Yes, I did.”

“Okay, let’s hear it.” I egged on.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She looked over at me and said in a deadpan voice, “We need to go home. You’re pregnant and we’re not cops.”

“Uh-huh,” I replied. “What else?”

Noelle reached behind the back seat and grabbed her shot gun. She popped it open and started loading shells. “Oh, that we needed to drive straight to your house, lock all doors and wait for them. They will send a car to the house to make sure we’re safe.”

“Huh, that’s nice of them,” I commented.

She sent a wicked smile my way.

“Yeah, I thought so too.”

We drove on heading for Farmer’s Branch.

We got there without any fanfare. If Ivey and the guys suspected that we wouldn’t listen to reason and that we’d go straight to Reed’s and Garrett’s, we didn’t see any cop cars idling by ready to take us in. All was quiet.

I pulled out my gun from my bag and checked the clip. It was fully loaded of course. I chambered a round, made sure the safety was engaged and stepped out of the car. Noelle followed her shotgun in her hand.

Now, we didn’t have plans on using our guns on Garrett and Reed, unless absolutely necessary. But we didn’t think they had our girl here, holding her hostage or something. The guns were more for our protection and maybe a convincing tool for the pigheaded men we were about to visit.

I placed my gun at the small of my back, inside a holster and made my way to the door. I banged on it continuously until someone answered the door.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Reed boomed as he opened the door. Hard cold dark eyes bore down on me. I smiled up at him.