Page 92 of My Retribution Too

I shrugged and said above his whining, “I told you not to move. You fucking moved.”

“I blinked, you asshole.”

“That’s still moving. Hey, stop your bitching. You’re alive aren’t you. It was a warning shot, one that I rarely give. Now sit your fucking ass down. You’re going to explain to me why you thought it was a brilliant idea to raid my house. I told you to stay away from my woman. She was off limits, yet you defied me. To me that tells me you want to go to war. Isn’t that how this game is played?” I glanced at Muñoz then back at Santos.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Santos replied, both hands resting on the table.

“Why do I find that hard to believe, considering the men that came into my house belong to you.” I walked around the back of the table, looking out of the window. It was dark, I couldn’t see shit. I closed the curtains and faced the table. Santos halfway turned to face me, his hands remaining on the table, which proved he was a smart asshole.

“I told you I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” he countered back.

I stepped up to the table and leaned over until I was close to his ear. I said loud enough for both him and Muñoz to hear, “You sent people to my house, you son of a bitch. You tried to kill one of my men, you tried to attack my woman inside my own fucking house.”

Santos’s eyes widened.

“Now wait a minute…” he removed his hands from the table—stupid fucking move—and I grabbed his arm, twisted it against his back and pushed his head down to the table. At the same time, I brought my Glock to his temple. “I warned you not to fuck with me. Now, consider us at war. I am going to make your life a living fucking hell from this day forward. You fuck with me and what’s mine. You’re done.”

I stayed in his face for a moment longer before bringing my eyes to Muñoz. His brown eyes were wide, but he didn’t utter a word. I made sure he understood that I could easily add him to my war if he chose wrong. Let’s hope he chooses right.

I finally released Santos and stepped back. I holstered my gun and turned to leave the room, looking forward to fucking up the rest of his day when he spoke.

“Whatever you think I did, it wasn’t me.”

I stopped and looked over my shoulder. Santos was standing by the table, running his fingers through his hair, the side of his face red from me pinning him to the table. He looked haggard but his eyes were steady.

“I’m telling you the truth. I know about your team, what you’re capable of doing to someone that goes against you. I’m not Garcia. If I am at war, it would always just be with you and your team. That’s the game. Those are the rules. I know that and my men know that. If someone came to your house to fuck up your lady, it wasn’t my men.”

I turned around completely, motioned for Brady to give me the proof I needed to contest what this fucker said. Brady, still keeping his gun trained on Santos moved swiftly to my side. He reached behind him with his left and handed me the photos of the two men we had in custody. Or rather the one man we had in custody. The other one was in the county morgue.

I carried the photos to the table and spread them out for Santos to see.

I pointed to one photo and asked, “This isn’t your man?”

Santos stared down at the table, took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Yes, he is. But I swear I didn’t send him to your house.”

“Yeah? Then who did? Who would be stupid enough to go against your authority? I know you too, you and your men. I know you rule with an iron fist. I know you demand loyalty, and you punish those that go against you without prejudice. So, tell me who would go against you?”

Santos straightened his spine and said one name I didn’t expect.


I took a moment to really look at the man before me. I could see truth in his eyes. I didn’t want to acknowledge it, but it was there and plain as day.

“I swear to you. It had to be him.”

“You mean to tell me he orchestrated this in prison?”

Santos gave me a weird look for one split second then it was gone, replaced with one of arrogance. “I see you’ve been kept in the dark. He made bail the day after you arrested him. He’s been out and free. Yet hiding.”

I glanced over at Ivey who met my eyes quickly and shrugged.

I met Brady’s eyes.

“Call Danny. Find out what the fuck happened, and who bailed him out.”

“Don’t bother. I know that too.” Santos interjected. I raised a brow and he added, “I’ve been busy. You’re not the only one looking for his sorry fucking ass.”