Page 50 of My Retribution Too

So with all that being said, I would keep my hands, and my dick, to myself. Simple enough and doable. I was in control. Nothing or no one would take that control away from me. No one.

I entered into my house, after making sure my guys had Miguel under control, dropped my work bag at the front door and let out a tired breath. Lester, who was on guard duty tonight, stood and greeted me at the door. We talked briefly about the raid, how shit went down, and our next steps before he left.

I fell onto my recliner after he left, leaned back, and rested my arm over my eyes. I was tired as shit and the weight of tonight finally hit me. Arresting Miguel stirred the hornet’s nest. It’s placed Phoebe in the light and even though she’s not the cause of the arrest, Miguel wouldn’t see it like that.

Santos was different. If I could make sure he understood the ramifications, if he, or anyone in his organization, touched Phoebe, then she’d be fine. He knew me, understood what I was capable of, but he needed to understand that whatever he thought he knew about me he didn’t know shit. Maybe I should pay him another visit, you know to explain what would happen if he touched Phoebe. Maybe visual aid would work better than words.

I felt my body tensing with the thoughts of what I would do if someone hurt her, of something happening to her. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair as my heart started to beat out of control. A level of rage, that I’ve never felt before in my life, flowed through my veins. I stood and was about to head into the TV room to raid the bar when Phoebe appeared from the back of the house.

“Hey,” I breathed out shocked to see she was still awake.

The smile that appeared on her face immediately relaxed me.

“Hey, Detective. I didn’t hear you come in,” she said, then frowned and stepped closer. “Is everything okay? You look—”

“I’m fine,” I replied, speaking over her, not wanting to hear how much she knew me already.

The woman had proven in the past to know me, know exactly what I was feeling by just looking into my eyes. It didn’t matter the walls I had built around me. She’s already gotten past them, despite the defenses I had up. She broke most of them down, burying in deep determined to never let go.

Do you see why I need to end this?

Yeah, I don’t either. Fuck…

I cleared my throat and changed the subject, relaxing my features as much as I could. I even gave her a side smile.

“How was your night with the girls?”

She chuckled and headed to the couch.

“It was great. I drank too much though, passed out on the sectional in the TV room. That thing is extremely comfortable, by the way.”

She fell back against the cushions of the couch and leaned back.

“I’m sure the night was very amusing for Lester.” I retook my seat and studied the gorgeous woman in front of me. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and t-shirt, feet bare, curly hair piled on the top of her head. She was so beautiful, heart-stopping gorgeous. I swallowed and tried not to focus too hard on her shapely bare legs or the treasure between them. However, the memory of how her supple thighs felt around my waist, when I was buried deep inside her, surged to the forefront of my mind.

“He kept his distance,” I heard her say, bringing me out of my lustful thoughts. “Claiming he didn’t want to intrude. I’m glad he wasn’t around. The stuff that came out of Ayana’s mouth would probably shock him.”

I laughed, allowing my body to relax more. “He’s used to it, believe me. Ayana’s mouth doesn’t shock any of my guys. If she wasn’t smart-mouthed, they’d think something was wrong with her.”

“It figures… that woman…” She chuckled, shook her head, then paused, sat up, and regarded me. “You seem exhausted. Long night?”

I let out a sigh and gave her the news. “Yeah. We arrested Miguel tonight.”

She straightened; her eyes wide. “You did? Holy shit! When? No wait, you already answered that.” She waved off her question and asked, “How did it go?”

“It went. Nothing to write home about.”

I went into how we obtained the warrant for his arrest and how we picked him up. I even gave her a little of the conversation between me and Santos. Not the important parts, just high-level stuff. She didn’t need to know the threat I posed to anyone that threatened her.

When I was done, she sat quietly for a few minutes, digesting what I’ve said, and knowing her, all the implications too.

When she was ready, she focused her attention on me. “So, do you think he believed you? That I didn’t have anything to do with Miguel’s arrest?”

“Probably not. But once his lawyers read the arrest warrant thoroughly and sees the evidence we have on him, he will. Honestly, I’m not worried about Santos. I’m concerned about Miguel. But Santos will rein in his nephew. Besides, they have bigger things to deal with. The boy is facing a lot of years. I’m sure they will enter a plea.”

“Do you think he’ll get off or something?”

“No. The case is too tight. His security cameras have her entering the house, then him. We have his DNA under her fingernails, indicating she put up a fight. He still has bruises on his forearms and neck from that night, which is consistent with her bruising and jagged nails. He can’t deny what he’s done to her. To make sure there’s not anything we’re missing, I have Danny scrubbing the security footage again, just to be sure. But it doesn’t matter if he finds something or not, we have him. He’s not going to beat this.”