Page 35 of My Retribution Too

I shook my head before Noelle finished her sentence.

“No way. I’m not staying here another night. I can’t,” I professed.

“Okay, where do you want to go?” Ayana asked. “To your townhouse?”

“No, I’m not going there either.” I told her, still shaking my head. There was no way in hell I was staying at either place. Where would I go? I didn’t know that either. Maybe I’d sleep in my car somewhere.

“You can stay with me if you want,” Ayana offered, and I loved her for it. But I refused to put her and Brad in harm’s way.

But before I could tell her that, Reed opened his big fat mouth.

“The fuck she is.” We all glanced over at the big man, a deep frown on his hard face.

“What’s wrong with my place?” Ayana asked, her own temper revving up. Reed snorted. Ayana stood ready to square off with the big man. “Say something crazy out your mouth and I swear you’ll be choking on your balls.”

I choked out a laugh, Garrett grimaced, Noelle mumbled, “Oh shit…”

I thought for a second Reed would test her, but for the first time in forever, Reed didn’t elaborate on the thoughts running in his head. I think he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle the fiery badass.

I gripped Ayana’s wrist and pulled her back down into her seat. When she turned away from Reed, I said, “I agree with Reed.”

Hurt eyes met mine. “Why? What’s wrong with my place?”

“Nothing’s wrong. Ana, I don’t know who’s after me and I will not bring trouble to your door,” I told her in as much of a rational tone I could muster. I added, just to calm the tension around us. “I’m sure that’s what Reed meant with his little outburst, right, Reed?”

Reed snorted again. Ayana narrowed her eyes and snapped out a bark in his direction. Reed jumped slightly, which I had to fight back a laugh.

He pointed to Ayana and said to Garrett, “See what’d I tell you. The bitch is crazy.”

Ayana leaned back and smiled, satisfied with her display of crazy, and turned to face me. She didn’t say anything for a long second before she breathed out and nodded.

“Okay, you make a valid point. But please note, I don’t care if you have trouble at your back. I’ve got your back. Let someone try anything with me around. I’d beat the shit out of them, then shoot them in their balls.”

I smiled at my friend, knowing she spoke the truth.

I rested my hand on hers and squeezed. “I know and thank you. But I would feel like shit if I brought trouble your way. No, I need to figure out something else.”

“There’s nothing to figure out,” Reed pipped in. “You’re staying with me and Garrett at the warehouse, where we can watch over you.”

I started shaking my head the moment he said I was staying with him and Garrett.

“Uh, no I’m not.” I argued.

“Yes, you are,” Reed countered, folding his arms against his chest. As if that was going to change my mind.

“I’m not staying at the warehouse.”

“Don’t be stupid, Phoebe. It’s the safest place for you and you know it,” Reed stated, and I refused to agree with him. I didn’t agree. I could think of many other places I could go to be safe.

Garrett spoke up, using his psychiatrist voice again, the one that I hated.

“Phoebe, Reed is right, and you know it. We are only trying to look out for you. Just like everyone else here. It’s not a bad idea. You need a safe space, a place where someone can look out for you, protect you and you know we can do that. It’s a logical choice and a smart one.”

“I don’t care how logical or smart you think it is. I’m not staying with you. No.”

“Babe, where would you go then? Do you have an alternative?” Noelle questioned, with her logical sounding self. “You said you don’t want to stay here, and you don’t feel safe going home. And maybe staying at another hotel isn’t the right choice either. I know how much you don’t want to do it, but maybe staying with—”

“Noelle, stop. Please. I can’t stay with Reed and Garrett. That’s not an option. Do I have one? No, but as I said, I’ll think of something. I just…” I breathed out, feeling myself spinning out of control again. I fell silent, unable to find the words to express how I felt.