Page 3 of My Retribution Too

Noelle and Ayana looked at each other for a few seconds before they smiled at one another, then looked at me.

“Okay, Chris, it is,” Noelle confirmed, then leaned forward and said to me, “Now tell us all aboutChris. Was the sex everything you imagined it to be?”

Ayana frowned and held up her hand. “No, that’s not the right question. First, tell us how this all started. I know you had a thing for him. Clearly, he felt the same. But how did it escalate to you two doing the nasty… you andChris?”

I reached for my glass of margarita and took most of it down as I organized my thoughts. I wasn’t about to reveal too much to them. I would give them just enough to satisfy their curiosity, but that would be it. The time I spent with Lock was sacred to me. It was memorable and beautiful. I didn’t want to taint it or share it with my two best friends.

I took a deep breath and admitted, “Okay, look, I’m going to only give you a little bit. I don’t really want to talk about it. It was a very special moment, something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I just don’t want to ruin it.”

“No problem, give us the cliff notes,” Noelle offered, and Ayana nodded, reached across the table and covered my hand with hers. She squeezed and smiled at me.

“That’s fine with us,” she encouraged. “Just tell us what you feel comfortable sharing. We’re just happy for you, that’s all. Regardless of what happens next for you two, I’m just excited.”

I met her smile with one of my own. “Me too. Okay, here’s how it all started.”

I started from the beginning and told them all about the pool game we played, how we flirted, teased, and trash talked. They looked on wide eyed, all smiles, and amusement swimming in their gazes. I couldn’t stop smiling myself. I found I was excited to tell this story, to share the experience I had with him. When I got to the kiss that we shared by the front door of Ayana’s house, both of them ooo’d and ah’d.

“How was the kiss?” Noelle asked, and I sunk into my chair grinning.

“It was amazing,” I admitted through my wide smile. “I felt chills throughout my body, from my lips to my toes. I melted, it was so good.”

“Aww,” they both cooed.

I didn’t tell them the part about Brad interrupting us or that I heard what Ayana yelled out in frustrated horniness. I would keep that a secret. Instead, I dove into what happened at my hotel. I skipped the time we spent in the bar. They didn’t want to know that stuff anyway. They wanted the steamy stuff.

“He tried to explain how it wouldn’t be a good idea for us to hook up. He said that he wasn’t looking for a relationship and he could give me one night only.”

Ayana grunted and rolled her eyes. “I hope you saw right through him.”

“I did, but I just assured him I could handle it. If he just wanted this to be a onetime thing, I was cool with it. I’m not looking for anything myself.”

Noelle and Ayana both looked at each other, then at me, before they burst out laughing.

“What? Why are you laughing?” I asked, frowning. I folded my arms over my chest. “I’m serious, I’m not.”

“Yeah, okay,” Ayana mused. “You must think we don’t know you. You know damn well if Lock, oh sorry, I meanChris.If Chris said he wanted a relationship with you, wanted to see where it would take you, you’d totally say yes.”

She had a point, and I couldn’t lie to them.

Do you see why I hate them? Okay, that’s not true. I love them dearly. I just can’t believe I was admitting all this to them.

I breathed out a resolved sigh. “Okay, yes, you’re right. If he asked, I’d jump on it and him with a quickness.”

Ayana groaned and rolled her eyes. “I just don’t see what you find appealing aboutChris. I will admit that he’s hot, if you like’em tall, dark and moody. But he’s always frowning, he’s moody as hell, and will probably beat the shit out of anyone that looked at him wrong. He has a bad temper and… did I say he was moody as hell?”

I couldn’t help but smile as Ayana described Lock. It was all the things I loved about him. I wouldn’t say that fact out loud to anyone, much less Lock himself, no. I would take that to my grave for sure. But I thought of a way to describe how I felt, giving nothing else away. I found the words and addressed Ayana’s comment with the corners of my mouth high on my cheeks.

“But that’s what I like about him. I like him moody and bad tempered. It’s a turn on for me. I love his bossy side too, when he calls me Miss Gates or instructs me to do something instead of asking. I don’t know, it turns me on, I guess.”

Ayana frowned. Noelle grinned at me.

“You’re disturbed, you know that?” Ayana expressed.

I laughed. “Yup, I sure do.”

We continued on talking about relationships in general. Noelle told us about her and Ivey. She said they were really doing good, except he was controlling as hell, but not in a scary way. He refused to allow her to get a job, telling her he would take care of her and her needs financially. He refused to allow her to go back to her apartment or even get a new one on her own. He kept using the threat of Luis Santos finding her as an excuse, but she knew it was bullshit. He wanted her with him and had a horrible way of showing it.

Ayana chimed in and explained that Brad was the same way. He barely tolerated her going to the bar to bartend for Ice and it was worse once he learned she was pregnant. He’d rather her stay home and focus on staying healthy for their baby or focus her attention on helping Hatch with self-defense classes.