Page 2 of My Retribution Too

I so freaking hate these two…

I took another long sip of my margarita, glancing around the restaurant, trying to look everywhere but at the two women who were now smirking at me.

We were hanging out at this popular Mexican restaurant in Friso. Great place, loved the margaritas. Anywho, we were sitting outside on the patio people watching, drinking, eating, you know, enjoying each other’s company.

I had been completely focused on them until I saw someone walk by with hair the same color as Lock’s. And yeah, that was random, but my thoughts always gravitated to that man every second of every day. Hell, I was getting used to it. What I wasn’t used to was randomly thinking about the man of my dreams in front of my girls.

“Oh, yeah, look at her blushing. She was definitely thinking about Lock.” Ayana leaned into the table and gave me a side grin.

“Hey, I didn’t ask you, how did things go between you two the other night? I saw you guys laughing and sitting all close together, gazing into each other’s eyes.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Oh please, there wasn’t anygazing,” I said, knowing damn well there was plenty of gazing; on my part, anyway. Lock was taking it all in, absorbing my focus, and maybe he was loving it too.

“Oh my god, look at her, Ana, she can’t stop blushing. Aww, babe,” Noelle reached for my arm and squeezed. “I think it’s adorable, sweet, and about damn time.”

“No, girl, wait. It’s not adorable if she spent the night alone. So, tell us. Did he drop you off at your hotel and say goodnight in the lobby or did he escort you upstairs? Knowing my brother, he walked you to your room, didn’t he?”

I cleared my throat and tried to be nonchalant as I spoke. “Yes, he walked me to my room. He even volunteered to look around my room to make sure it was safe.”

“Uh-huh, and?”

I shrugged offhandedly. “And nothing,” I lied again. I couldn’t help it, it just rolled off my tongue. But I wasn’t dealing with amateurs. As I said, they knew me. It was crazy, but they could tell when I was hiding something, and the evil look Ayana was giving me told me I was in big trouble.

“I see. So, Lock didn’t fuck your brains out?”

“What!? No! Are you insane?” I exclaimed, eyes wide, feigning ignorance as best I could, but dang it, it wasn’t working. Even the two women at the table next to us gave me this look like,girl, you are so lying.

“Holy Shit!” Ayana exclaimed, excitement radiating through her smile. “I don’t believe it. You two really did it?”

I covered my face with my hands, unable to respond or deny. I wanted to slither away or maybe click my heels three times to escape to Oz. And umm, not the tv show on HBO… no way, let me make that clear. I was talking about the Wizard of Oz’s Oz. I made a huge mistake of watching a few episodes of HBO’s Oz and damn near fainted. I definitely clinched my pearls as I binge watched season after season. Oh by the way, I finished that series…had to. That show… whew!

Ayana started clapping her hands. I could see a huge smile on both of their faces when I glanced at them between my fingers.

I was so embarrassed.

“Babe,” Noelle spoke up, wrestling my hands free from my face, “that is the best news I heard in forever. I’m so happy for you. You have to tell us everything.”

Ayana stopped smiling. “Uh, no, she doesn’t,” she countered, shaking her head.

“Ana, babe, this is a breakthrough for our friend,” Noelle said, grinning like crazy. She touched Ayana’s hand and squeezed it. Mind you, they weren’t paying me any attention. I could have slipped away if Noelle didn’t have a death grip on my arm. “Put aside the fact that we’re talking about Lock. How about we call him by another name? Will that make you feel better?”

Ayana perked up. “Okay, yeah. It just might. If we call him by another name, I can tune into this conversation.” She looked at me. “What do you think? Pick a name we can call what’s his face.”

I shook my head and refused to play this game.

Noelle waved me off. “She’s being a hater. We’ll pick. How about Javier?”

Ayana frowned. “Woman, the man’s not Hispanic.”

Noelle raised her shoulder. “So, this is our imagination. We can call him whatever we want.”

These two crazy women took at least a full minute going back and forth, calling out horrible names for Lock. I was going out of my mind. I had had enough.

“Stop! Please. Why don’t we call him Chris?”

“Chris?” they both asked in unison.

“Yeah. We love the three Chris’s from the big screen. Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans. It’s a name we won’t forget.”