Page 110 of My Retribution Too

I wasn’t sure how long it had been since I had spoken to Lock, but I prayed he would be here soon.

He dragged me into a large room, lifted me up by my hair, and I stood to my feet. I made two steps before he pushed me down causing me to slide along the Formica floor.

“You son of a bitch!” I cried out rubbing my scalp.

“Is this her?” came this very familiar voice. I remembered hearing it when I was hiding in the closet while my friend was beaten to death.

I glanced around the room, looking for the source of the voice, and found a hard set of dark eyes staring back at me. He was dressed in a pair of skintight jeans and a form fitted t-shirt. I assumed this was Miguel and I had to admit, he was attractive, if you liked the deranged-psycho-killer look. Thinking about my attraction to Byron, I realized he had the same kind of look as Miguel, so maybe I low key had a type.

Miguel looked me up and down, disgust on his face as I stood to my feet.

“You’re not what I expected. The way he talks about you, I thought you would be… thinner.” He laughed at his witty comment, his men smiling along with him.

I narrowed my eyes. “And I’d thought you’d be taller, so…” I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes. Before I could blink, he was on me, gripping me by my hair, yanking me down to his level. He growled in my face, spittle hitting me, his foul breath singeing my eyelashes.

“I’m going to kill you. Do you hear me? Do you know who the fuck I am? Huh, bitch!”

I closed my eyes and tried not to panic. I needed to be brave. I needed to hold on. Lock was coming. Lock…

I felt a hard hand crash on the side of my face, the sound vibrated throughout my head and the room. I dropped back down to the floor, hard, my ear ringing like crazy. Now you would think that would cause me to cower. This dangerous man stood over men, a gun in his holster underneath his arm, the look of death on his face. However, I couldn’t see past my rage. Plus, I kept hearing Ayana’s voice in my ear.Don’t just lie there helpless. If you have the advantage, take it. Don’t let them stomp you to the ground.

Listening to Ayana could probably get you killed. But I remembered Hatch following up her speech with,if you see an opening to get away from your attacker, take it.

There was no way I was getting out of this room. There were five men here, all carrying weapons of some kind. But I couldn’t resist retaliating for the degrading slap. So, I waited until he looked around the room at his guys, a huge smile on his face. He was animatedly talking to the room in Spanish, probably bragging how he knocked theputadown with one slap. He was probably gloating to them.

Well, I got something for your gloating ass,I said to myself as I got in touch with my inner Ayana and kicked ole Miguel in the nuts. Miguel went to step closer to me and that’s when I acted. I cowered at first, to seem less threatening. Then, before he could prepare to do anything or brace himself, I kicked out landing a kick that made him buckle. I scrambled back preparing for him or any of his guys to lash out, however I wasn’t prepared for what followed.

Miguel recovered quicker than I would have liked. He came after me, grabbed me by my hair and lifted me from the floor. I gripped his wrist trying to lessen the pain, leaving my stomach open for a blow that made my knees buckle. I dropped back down on the floor and heaved stomach lining as my insides caved in itself from the horrible punch he landed.

Before I recovered, I felt the barrel of a gun to the back of my head.

“You gotdamn cunt! I should kill you right now!” he screamed, cocked his gun and placed it back against my head.

I screamed, shut my eyes and prayed, expecting to hear the thing go off right before my lights went out. However, nothing happened. Instead, a dark angel came to my rescue.

“What did I tell you, Santos. She belongs to me.”

I opened my eyes to find Byron Schindler standing above me, his gun pointed at the face of Miguel.

I should be relieved, but sadly I wasn’t. I was even more afraid than before. The man in my nightmares was standing right in front of me. What were the odds of that ever happening? Has that ever happened to you? Like you dreamed of zombies, and you wake up and boom, a zombie was standing over you.

That’s what it felt like for me staring up into the cold eyes of Byron Schindler. Satan himself was standing over me.

Miguel backed up slowly, a grin forming along his so-so looks. “You got it boss.”

Byron took a second before he lowered his gun, glanced behind him, and nodded. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw four of Byron’s men, two from his team, two I didn’t know, step further into the room.

That allowed Byron to focus all of his attention on me.

He smiled down at me, holstering his gun at the small of his back. He squatted down in front of me, and I scooted away from him until my back ran into a wall.

Byron and his sick twisted self only smiled brighter at me.

“You still love to play hard to get, don’t you?” he asked standing to his full height and staring down at me.

I tried to give him my best defiant look as he continued to watch me, making my skin crawl. “Don’t worry, you and I will have plenty of time to get reacquainted.” He nodded to one of his men and they started for me.

“No, no. Don’t touch me.” I cried out trying to move away from this man.