Page 109 of My Retribution Too


I sat up, reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed my phone. I turned it on, and I swear the moment the screen came alive a call came in. It was Lock’s number. Still not ready to believe it wasn’t Byron playing games, I answered it with my best fuck you voice I could muster. “I don’t know what kind of fucking game you’re playing, but…”


I paused my eyes wide, butterflies doing the jig in my stomach, from the sound of his voice. It was Lock.

From there I broke down. I could barely talk to him I was crying so much. I apologized for Homer, for his house, for being an idiot, and getting his team in the middle of my shit. Of course he told me it wasn’t my fault, but I couldn’t stop myself from the self-loathing pity party I had planned to throw myself the minute this whole mess was over.

Lock asked me where I was a few times, and a few times I averted answering him. I wasn’t sure why I was holding back. I guess I didn’t want to stop talking to him for fear all of this was just one of my morbid, horrific nightmares and he was truly dead. But at the end of the day, I gave him my location.

“Stay where you are.” Lock had instructed, “Lock the doors and don’t come out until I get to you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand.” I told him, blowing out a breath and admitting, “Don’t worry. I’m not moving. I’m not cut out for this stuff.”

I chuckled. “Good. I’ll be there soon.”

“Wait, Lock?” I rushed out, not ready to let him go.

“Yeah, Kitten?”

I could feel myself getting emotional again, choked up to say anything else, but Lock understood where I was going. I wanted all of this to be over. I wanted to be wrapped up in his arms and never leave.

“I know, baby,” he said in a low tone. “I love you.”


“I love you, too,” came back on a whisper before the call went dead.

I closed my eyes, allowed more tears to fall down my face. I gripped my phone in my hand and held it close to my chest. I allowed myself this moment to grieve. To think about Homer, to pray that he didn’t feel pain when he died. That he was in Heaven looking down on us and rooting us on.

I thought about MJ and prayed she was there to guide him through. I didn’t know much about Homer. We never got into any in-depth conversations. I knew his parents were still alive and he had a little sister and niece. That was it. He didn’t have anyone special in his life, which was sad. Yet, he didn’t live a sad life. He had told me that he loved his job, loved the guys in his unit and wouldn’t take his life any other way. He was a soldier called to save lives. I was just glad he was able to save mine.

I wiped my eyes and glanced around the car, looking out into the dark night. There wasn’t any traffic on this lonely road. Not much beyond me but the location I was expected to arrive. Behind me wasn’t anything either. A lone gas station located off the ramp from the highway. That was about it. It was very rural out here. Lots of trees, brush, land, and most of all pretty stars.

Hopefully, it didn’t take Lock long to get here. I think it took me about a half hour. But that time could be longer depending on where Lock was in the city. Maybe I should turn around and head back to the gas station. It was well lit and a trucking station where there would be plenty of people.

Lock told me to stay inside the car, he didn’t say I had to stay in this location.

With the decision made, I sat up, started to fire off a text when the driver side window shattered all over me. I screamed as someone reached inside the now opened window and grabbed me by my hair. I tried to fight off whomever it was that grabbed me, panic retched up a thousand notches. I heard the passenger door open and the next thing I knew a cloth was placed over my face and nose.

I tried to hold my breath, really I did, but it was no use. Just before my world turned to black, I sent up a silent prayer.

Lock, please hurry…



“Let go of me you, asshole!” I shouted to the large man pulling me by my hair. I kept a tight grip on his thick wrist, hoping that would alleviate some of the pain from his tight hold.

I kicked out, landed a blow to his shin. He grunted from the strike and yanked harder. I fell from the force of his pull and landed hard on the ground. He looked down at me, shrugged, then the asshat started dragging me.

Well, this was ideal, Phoebe. Great work!

Just a bit ago, I woke up and found myself locked in a dark room. I had been lying on a cold marble floor, no furniture that I could see and no windows. My head was throbbing from whatever they gave me to knock me out. I had slowly stood from the floor and began feeling my way around the room, hoping to find an exit. That’s when a door opened, and this tub of lard stepped inside. He grabbed me by my arm and yanked me out of the room. I tried to break his hold and I was surprised that it worked. I was free. Naturally I hauled ass, but I didn’t get far before he grabbed me by my hair stopping my escape.

Now here I was being dragged down a narrow hallway of what I assumed was a house. I screamed at the top of my lungs, crying out for help, but there was no use. I was in the lion’s den. Who was supposed to help me? Who would help me? No one.