Page 108 of My Retribution Too

Santos took a few moments to respond letting out a frustrated breath before he answered me. “No, I haven’t.”

“Well I guess you’re in luck then. I know where he is.”

Pause… then “Is that right? And you are going to tell me out of the kindness of your heart?”

“Fuck no. I need a favor.”

Santos laughed. “You need a favor. What is this some twisted game or something. Am I on that show you Americans used to watch…Candid Camera?”

I didn’t have time for this shit. “Fucking focus.” I bit out harshly. “Do you want to know the location or not?”

Another pause before a sigh, then, “Alright, Detective, I’ll bite. Yes, I want my nephew. You said you need a favor, what is it?”

“Do you have access to a helicopter? And before you lie to me, note that I know more shit about you than your proctologist. Don’t fuck me on this.”

Pause… “Yes, I do.”

“Good. How long would it take to get it in the air?”

The moment I saw an exit off the parkway, I took it. I knew where Santos kept his helicopter and headed south on the tollway to Plano Parkway.

“My pilot lives close, so about fifteen minutes.”

“Tell him he has ten. I’ll be there in ten. I want to be ready to move the moment I get there.”

“Where are we going?”

“I’ll tell you when we get there. And Santos, fuck me over and I swear I’ll cut off your nuts and make you wear them as a necklace.”

“No need for threats, Detective. You are doing me a favor. I am doing you a favor. I am a honorable man, despite what you may believe.”

I snorted and hung up.

I’m on my way, baby. Just hold on.


I was about a mile from my destination. Nothing but darkness surrounded me along this quiet strip of road. Suddenly, I began to feel this hot flash come over me, despite the blast of AC hitting my face. I pulled over on the side of the road, got out of the car and leaned over just in time to heave the contents of my stomach on the blacktop and weeds in front of me.

What was I doing? Where did I think I was going? And with this gun no less. I tossed it inside of the car on the passenger seat, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and fell against the side of the car.

On the drive here I had been amped up, looking forward to making that son of a bitch pay for what he’s done. I had thought he killed my only reason for living. However, I kept hearing Ayana’s voice in the back of my head telling me Lock was okay. I wasn’t sure if she knew anything or not, but it made me pause and think rationally.

I had stopped freaking out and took a few deep breaths. I cleared my mind and tried to focus on Lock. I felt he and I were connected. Our souls connected the moment we met. So, if he were dead, I would feel it in the pits of my soul. I continued to focus my thoughts on him, on his laugh, his smile, the way he walked, carried himself. How good he felt when he was balls deep inside me. And I came to the conclusion that I should have come to an hour ago. He wasn’t dead.

I felt him, felt his presence. He may not be with me, but I just knew he was among the living. She promised me. Said I wouldn’t lose him, and I had to believe in that.

Now what?

I climbed back inside the car pushed my seat all the way back and rested my arm over my eyes. Tonight was a shit storm of epic proportions and everything pointed to Schindler. He needed to pay for everything he’s done tonight, but I wasn’t sure how we would be able to prove everything.

I was sure the men back at Lock’s house wouldn’t give him up. We had no proof that he called me. I could probably show someone the video tape he sent me, but I bet a gazillion dollars that the phone he used couldn’t be traced back to him. So where would that leave us? He would get away with murder.

No, this couldn’t be how this ended. I needed to figure out a way to make this bastard pay for his crimes. I could continue to his location, allow him to capture me. That way he would go down for kidnapping. That was, of course, if someone rescued me before the psycho killed me. I was about thirty minutes north of Plano. How soon could the calvary get to me without me throwing suspicion toward Byron. He would be calling me soon, wondering what was taking me so long.

Could I stall him? Keep him occupied until Lock and team found me?

Shit, they had to find you first, you idiot.