Page 107 of My Retribution Too

“I’m so sorry for all of this. If you hadn’t gotten involved in the first place, none of this would have happened.”

“Hey, you listen to me. This isn’t your fault.”

“Yes, it is. I should have gone to Reed’s instead of putting you and your men in danger.”

Fuck…I took a deep breath trying to stop my rage from overcoming my control. I wanted to be with her, needed to touch her to hold her, she needed me, and I wasn’t fucking there.

“I’m sorry, Lock. I’m sorry about your house, God I’m just…”

“Phoebe,” I called, taking my voice down a few notches. I took a few deep breaths, focusing on the rise and fall of my chest. I needed to get her calm, which meant I had to get my shit in check. “Let me tell you something. There was no way in hell I would’ve let you go with Reed. If you would have protested or fought me, I would have just arrested you. You were coming with me whether you liked it or not.

“Secondly, me and my guys risk our lives every day. There’s never a guarantee we will come home to our families in one piece. But we do our job every day, no hesitation. Homer did his job. He wanted to be there with you. To protect you. It was his job. He wouldn’t have it any other way. This wasn’t on you. It’s on Schindler and the motherfucker is going to pay for all of it. Trust me on that.”

I paused and allowed my words to settle in her heart. After a few beats, I asked, “Are you with me?”

She blew out a breath and replied, “Yes, I’m with you. The motherfucker must pay.”

“That’s my girl. Yes, he’s going to pay. And don’t worry about the house. Things can be replaced. You cannot.”

She grew silent and I knew she was thinking about Homer. He never made it out of the house. Fuck, this son of a bitch was going to pay for everything he’s done I swear to…

“I want him to pay dearly, Lock.”

“I know.”

“No, you don’t understand. I took Homer’s gun. I intended to use it. I drove here with the intent on putting a bullet in the middle of his big ass forehead.”

I chuckled, trying to ease the tension I felt escalating within her. “He does have a large forehead. What in the hell did you see in him?”

She laughed, it was soft and forced, but I got one none the less. “I don’t know. I was lonely I guess.”

“Well good thing you leveled up.”

She laughed again and this time it was genuine. “Good thing.”

“Baby, listen. I understand you wanting revenge. So do I, but why don’t you let me handle this from here. Tell me where you are.”

Before she spoke, my cell vibrated with an incoming text. I lifted my phone and found Danny had texted me with an address for Schindler. Fucking finally.

“Kitten…” I prompted lightly. She let out a sigh and told me where she was and I raised my head to the sky and silently thanked God I had decided to take the road I was on. It would lead me right to her.

“Stay where you are. Lock the doors and don’t come out until I get to you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand. Don’t worry. I’m not moving. I’m not cut out for this stuff.”

I chuckled. “Good. I’ll be there soon.”

The need to get to Phoebe ran hot in my veins. For some reason, I felt time wasn’t on my side. It would take me about forty minutes to get to her, thirty if I was hauling ass and for some reason, I didn’t think she had that kind of time. I knew my team would be making their way north. However, they wouldn’t get there in time either.

I could probably make a few phone calls, get a police chopper in the area, but again that would take time, time I did not have. I was just about to make the call anyway, hoping against hope that they could muster a team or one was in the area when a certain someone came to mind.

I decided to call him instead. He had a vested interest in this just as much as I did.

I dialed the number I had memorized and waited for him to pick up. He didn’t make me wait too long.

“What can I do for you detective?” Santos greeted, his voice showing just how much he hated me.Well, the feeling is fucking mutual asshole!

“Have you located your nephew yet?” I asked, praying he hadn’t.