‘You have a very nice home, Mr Katsaros.’ Her voice appealed too. It was low and musical. Not high and breathy as he recalled it from the phone call. Though he’d probably taken her by surprise with his invitation.

Alexei’s mouth tightened. She was right. It had been a demand, not an invitation. Carissa had made him sound brutish and that annoyed him. But the situation demanded a swift resolution. He didn’t have time for niceties.

Her eyebrows arched when he didn’t respond to her small talk.

‘Call me Alexei.’

‘Thank you, Alexei.’ Her voice slowed on his name and he felt the oddest sensation, as if she’d reached out one slim hand and trailed it down his chest, right to his belly. Abdominal muscles clenched in response. ‘Please, call me Carissa.’

‘Carissa.’ He tested the sibilant on his tongue and saw her eyes darken. The sight sent another ripple of awareness through him. She was definitely attracted. ‘You have an interesting accent. Not the same as your father’s.’

Intriguingly she stiffened as if he’d hit a weak point. It was the tiniest movement but unmistakeable to a man who’d spent so long studying the vulnerabilities of business opponents.

‘My father’s accent is English. But we moved around a lot when I was young. I suppose mine’s a hybrid.’

Alexei watched the unblinking way she held his gaze and wondered what she hid.

‘Yours is interesting too.’ She spoke quickly, clearly wanting to divert his attention.

Alexei was interested to find that despite his fixation on locating and punishing her father, his curiosity about Carissa increased by the moment.

He gestured for her to take a seat and sank down onto a leather lounge, crossing his ankles and leaning back.

‘Russian mother, Greek father, moved to London as a kid.’ He shrugged. ‘Like yours, my accent’s a hybrid.’ More like mongrel, he silently corrected. He’d spent too long living precariously in places where the predominant language was that of the violent gangs who ruled through intimidation.

Silently Carissa nodded and sat opposite him. In contrast to her casual clothes her posture was graceful. With that long, slender neck and perfect poise he was reminded again of a dancer sweeping into a low curtsey. He could picture a tiara on her smooth, dark hair and a sheaf of flowers in her arms.

‘Tell me, Carissa, have you heard from your father?’

‘He’s not here?’ Her expression flickered but too fast for him to read it.

‘No, but I’m expecting him soon.’ As soon as Ralph Carter heard his precious daughter was staying at Alexei’s private island he’d hotfoot it here, hoping the marriage he’d suggested would save him from Alexei’s wrath. If that didn’t work, Alexei had the perfect hostage to lure him from hiding.

‘I see.’ She chewed the corner of her mouth and then, as if aware of his scrutiny, offered a small smile. ‘That will be lovely.’ Once more her direct look suggested she hid something. What?

‘So you haven’t heard from him?’

‘No. He seems to have his phone switched off. Do you need to contact him urgently?’

Alexei fought impatience. His desire for retribution against the one person he’d actuallytrustedin decades hadn’t eased. Fury curdled his gut. He couldn’t believe he’d been foolish enough to let Carter con him.

‘Not at all. In the meantime we can get to know each other better.’ That prospect grew more enticing by the moment.

She shifted in her seat, her first overt sign of nervousness. Intrigued, Alexei took his time surveying her, his fingers tracing a lazy circle on the soft leather of his chair’s arm.

‘I want you to be happy here, Carissa. Let me know if there’s anything you want.’

‘That’s very kind of you, Alexei. For that matter, very kind of you to let me holiday here in this glorious place.’

She’d changed her tune. Fifteen minutes ago she’d been complaining about his staff and the speed with which he’d brought her here. What had changed?

Every sense stirred. He scented not fear but caution, as if Carissa suddenly felt out of her depth. Not so sure of herself after all?

She wasn’t his target; her father was. Yet that didn’t stop a frisson of satisfaction at the suggestion Ms high and mighty Carter had second thoughts about her situation. If she was cast in the same mould as her father, it would do her no harm to learn she couldn’t have everything her way. Especially if she’d spent the past few years living off money her father had stolen from Alexei.

‘Oh, I don’t consider it a kindness, given our special situation.’

She stilled. It looked as if she didn’t even breathe. ‘Our special situation?’

‘Of course.’ This time Alexei’s smile was genuine. ‘Since we’re marrying.’