But above all excitement that he was here because he cared for her. He’d wondered about the future...with her! Did he still wonder? Or was he here simply to explain? Surely he couldn’t be so cruel.

‘I’m sorry too, Alexei. I lied to you and I wasn’t comfortable about it—’

‘You were protecting your friend.’ His hands squeezed hers. ‘Loyalty like that is a wonderful thing.’

‘Even if I acted impulsively?’ Her eyebrows rose.

‘If you hadn’t, we wouldn’t have met.’

The look he gave her, grave yet intense, turned her heart over. No man had looked at her that way. As if he spoke toher. Not the artist or the princess but the woman who sometimes struggled to find her way, who loved her life, yet made mistakes and sometimes doubted herself, like everyone else.

‘You’re not saying anything.’ His hands tightened.

‘We both overreacted.’ Mina drew a shuddery breath as if she’d inhaled a field full of butterflies. ‘I was so attracted to you but scared of what I felt.’ Even though it was glorious it was far beyond her experience.

Was that why she’d given up so easily, scurrying away rather than forcing him to accept the truth? Because she was frightened of where such a relationship might lead? Because she was used to being alone, not trusting anyone to know her fully?

‘Was? In the past?’ His voice was harsh, cracking on the last word.

Mina stared into that proud, handsome face, drinking in the familiar features that could seem intimidating or playful and right now looked drawn with tension.

She tilted her face high, defying the cowardly impulse to lie. ‘Am. Right now.’ It felt like the bravest thing she’d ever done, admitting that.

Mina swallowed as he stroked the line of her jaw from ear to chin.

‘Me, as well. I’m attracted and scared too.’

Her lips curved in an unsteady smile. ‘Who are you and what have you done with Alexei Katsaros? He’s not scared of anything.’

He shook his head. ‘I’m scared of losing you. Scared I blew my chance.’ His words made everything within her still.

‘Your chance for an affair?’ She had to ask, though she knew, deep inside, what he meant. She needed the words.

Alexei cupped her face in both hands, leaning in so his words feathered her mouth. ‘My chance to build a future with you. I know it’s too early. I know we barely know each other, but there’s something about you, Mina, that I can’t do without. I want you in my life and I’ll do whatever I must to convince you to give me that chance.’ He drew a deep breath and she felt his hands shake. ‘I think I’m in love with you.’

His words resonated like the echo of a bell, the sound filling her with not just joy, but recognition.

‘It’s unsettling, isn’t it?’

For a moment Alexei looked dumbfounded, as if he couldn’t believe his ears. Then his face creased into a smile so broad it blinded. He released her hands and instead wrapped his arms around her, yanking her close so she was pressed against his hot, hard frame. It was heaven. Mina melted into him, her hands clutching, wearing a grin of her own.

Was this really happening?

‘Unsettling in the best possible way.’ He paused, his eyes locked on hers so Mina felt as if she were falling into a deep, bright sea. ‘You mean that? You feel—’

‘I’ve been falling in love with you since the day I reached your island and you made me furious and turned on at the same time.’ Mina shook her head. ‘I thought love was supposed to be all hearts and roses but you make me feel—’ she struggled for words to convey at least some of her feelings‘—everything.’

He nodded, his smile fading, eyes serious. ‘Exactly. I want you even when we’re arguing. Even when we don’t agree. I want to make love to you all the time, but I also simply want to be with you, to share with you. To grow together.’

‘Even though I live in Paris and you live—’

‘I’m flexible. I can move.’

Mina’s eyebrows shot up. He was a CEO with a business to run. She was the artist who could work almost anywhere. ‘Even though I’m a princess?’

‘You’re not getting away from me that easily.’ He lifted a hand to her hair and began to tug out the pins that secured it up. ‘Besides, you look hot in a tiara.’

Mina saw a devilish glint in his eyes and sweet heat pierced her middle.