Huseyn was toying with him. Mina had been a sexual innocent until she’d come to him. Despite what he’d thought in the white-hot sear of anger.

‘So, would you be interested in working in Jeirut?’

‘It depends on the result of my discussion with Mina.’ Alexei set his jaw. ‘Is that the price for letting me see her?’

For a moment longer the Sheikh watched him through narrowed eyes. Then he nodded abruptly as if coming to a decision. ‘You’re not what I expected, Mr Katsaros.’ He paused. ‘Come, I’ll take you to her.’

So he’d passed a test. Alexei should have felt relieved. Instead, as he followed Huseyn he felt more nervous than he could ever remember.

Perhaps that was why, when the Sheikh ushered him into a lavish chamber, it took Alexei a moment to recognise Mina. There were two women, both focused on a velvet-lined jewellery case open on a table. One he knew from his research as the beautiful Sheikha of Jeirut. The other... His breath stopped as she looked up and eyes of rich brown snared his.

Mina.One look and the ground shuddered beneath his feet. Yearning filled him.

Instead of the casual clothes he was accustomed to, she wore an evening dress of crimson with a square-cut neckline that emphasised the purity of her slender throat and graceful posture. Her hair was up and a tiara of brilliant diamonds sparkled in that dark mass.

How had he ever imagined her to be Carissa Carter? She was every inch a princess.

She was the most stunning woman he’d ever beheld.

Alexei’s heart battered his ribs as he fought not to cross the room and pull her close.

As he watched her mouth flattened into a straight line and her beautiful eyes clouded. The hurt he saw there tore his conscience and his hopes.

All his resolve, all his certainty he could set things right, were shaken to the core.

* * *

He looked the same. No, not the same. Bigger, sexier, more charismatic than she’d let herself remember.

Heat swamped Mina. Her quiver of awareness was proof that, if anything, memory had done Alexei Katsaros a disservice. The only change in him, apart from the suave suit, was that he looked hollow around the eyes. Tired from travel. She wouldn’t allow herself to imagine their parting had interfered with his sleep.

Shewas the one cursed with wakeful nights.

She drew a deep breath, hands clenching. That was when she remembered the diamond necklace in her palm. She moved to put it in its box but her hand shook ridiculously. Fortunately Ghizlan reached out and scooped it from her.

Mina had been on tenterhooks all day, unable to settle, after Huseyn told her Alexei was coming. Ghizlan’s insistence that she decide on some finery for an upcoming royal reception had been a welcome diversion that stopped her checking the time every two minutes.

Now she’d been caught all glammed up. Full-length silk rustled as she shifted. Diamond drops swung from her earlobes and she was conscious of the pins securing the heirloom tiara.

Her chin tilted as she took in Alexei’s stare. So what if he had a problem with her royal status? She wasn’t ashamed. She was what she was, as much at home in a formal gown as old jeans.

‘Mina.’ Alexei’s voice was the same, a deep cadence that did crazy things to her self-control.

She drew a sustaining breath. ‘Alexei.’ Then she turned to her sister. ‘Ghizlan, this is Mr Katsaros.’

‘Mr Katsaros.’ Contrary to her usual friendly manner, Ghizlan gave the tiniest nod, her expression a degree short of glacial.

Alexei didn’t look fazed by the lack of welcome. ‘Your Highness.’ His eyes tracked back to Mina.

She’d arrived here unexpectedly, desperate for the comfort of her sister’s presence. Like when she’d been a child. Ghizlan and Huseyn had, in their different ways, provided that comfort. Huseyn’s expression now made it clear he’d intervene if Alexei upset Mina, and Ghizlan bristled with protectiveness. She’d guessed Alexei had caused the unhappiness Mina couldn’t hide. Bless her, and Huseyn too, for closing ranks.

But this was Mina’s battle.

‘I’d like to speak to Alexei alone.’ It was a lie. Facing him was torment. But this had to be done. One final conversation and their abortive relationship would be over. Pain crested to a point behind her ribs and Mina rubbed the spot, till Alexei tracked the movement. She dropped her hand.

Huseyn folded his arms. ‘Anything he wishes to say can be said before your family.’

‘But surely,’ Alexei said, without taking his eyes from her, ‘Mina has the right to privacy.’