PARISWASN’TFARenough away.

Mina stared at the blinking light of her message bank and knew if she hit Play, Alexei’s deep voice would fill the room. Worse, it would inveigle its way inside her, reinforcing the hollow ache she carried.

She knew because that was what had happened earlier. She’d come out of the shower and hadn’t thought twice about checking her messages. Only to find herself fighting a rush of pain at the sound of that familiar voice. She’d slammed the phone down and deleted his message, unable to listen.

It didn’t matter if he’d rung to berate her some more, or even to apologise for his sniping accusations. The fact was shehadlied to him. But worse, she’d made the mistake of falling for the man.

Even if he called to say he was sorry he overreacted, which was about as likely as snowfall in the desert, it wouldn’t be enough. Even if by some miracle he’d forgiven her and decided the sex between them was so good he wanted an affair, Mina knew she needed more.

She needed all or nothing.

Nothing was the only logical option.

Mina turned and paced. She needed space to think. Somewhere with no reminders of him.

A tattoo on the front door made her heart leap. It couldn’t be. She didn’t want it to be. Yet her hands shook as she opened it. Savage disappointment sliced through her at the sight of her best friend.

Mina really was desperate. And delusional. As if Alexei would turn up at her door!


Her friend enveloped her in a hug and a cloud of rose perfume. ‘Are you okay? You look like hell.’

Mina managed a chuckle, despite the scratchy throat that made it hard to swallow. ‘Lack of sleep. I’ll be fine. But you look fabulous. Marriage agrees with you.’

Carissa grinned. She’d never looked prettier. Something tugged at Mina’s heart but she refused to feel jealous that her friend had found happiness with the man she adored.

‘Itiswonderful. Pierre’s the best. And I have you to thank. Without you stepping in—’

‘I was glad to help.’ Mina shut the door and led her towards the lounge room. But Carissa stopped her.

‘I’m sorry, sweetie. I don’t have time. Pierre and I are heading off to see his family. He’s going to introduce me, so wish us luck.’

‘They’ll love you once they get to know you.’ Mina pressed her hands. ‘Give them a little time.’

Carissa nodded. ‘That’s what Pierre said. But I’m not sure and—’ Her eyes rounded. ‘How could I forget? Are you in trouble? That’s what I came to ask.’


Carissa nodded. ‘You must have got home very late last night. I didn’t even know you were back. Then just now I was coming up the street when I saw those men. The ones who took you to Alexei Katsaros. They were coming out of our building and drove away in a big black car.’

‘You’re sure it was them?’ Had she missed a knock on the door as she dried her hair?

Emotions stormed through Mina. Excitement vied with hope that she knew she had to crush. She and Alexei had no future.

‘As if I’d forget.’ Carissa shivered. ‘I got a good look through the peephole the day they took you away. What do they want? Why are they here?’

‘Probably checking I got home safely.’ Maybe Alexei’s conscience was troubling him and he wanted to make sure. Last night she’d refused an escort from the airport, insisting on finding her own way home.

‘You’re such a bad liar, Mina. I’ll tell Pierre we can’t go yet—’

‘No. You have to go.’ Her words were sharp, yet her mouth quivered. Reaction, she told herself. She’d barely slept. She needed time alone.

‘Then what can I do to help?’ Carissa put her arm around her and Mina had to fight the urge to weep on her shoulder.

Mina never ran from trouble but she felt too raw, too destroyed by the enormity of her feelings to cope. She needed to lick her wounds and recoup. ‘Help me pack a bag. I’m going to Jeirut.’