‘Can we let it go? Give it a chance to grow? I read fish stocks are dropping because the population doesn’t get a chance to reproduce.’

‘That’swhy you want to let it go?’

‘Well...’ She shrugged. ‘I liked the thrill of catching it but we’re not desperate for food. I could make a salad and there’s plenty of other stuff to cook.’

Alexei nodded and unhooked the fish, then put it over the side. A second later it wriggled out of his hand and away. Carissa’s beaming grin as she watched was worth it.

‘Thank you, Alexei.’

‘No problem. Especially since you’ve offered to cook.’ He paused and tilted his head to one side. ‘I know. How about you make us a nice cheese soufflé?’

He ducked and grabbed her wrist as she swept off her sunhat and batted him with it. Then, catching her off balance, he dragged her onto his lap. The boat rocked wildly.

‘That was a low blow. Just because I’m not a good cook.’ She pouted but her eyes sparkled.

‘But look what it got me. Who wants a fish when they can have a mermaid?’

Alexei slipped his hand behind her head and pulled out the pin securing her dark hair. He’d become adept at that. Carissa began the day by brushing her hair and securing it back from her face but Alexei preferred it loose.

His breath huffed out in satisfaction as he threaded the satiny locks through his fingers. Then he stroked lower, down her side to the couple of inches of warm, golden flesh showing between her pink shorts and cropped, polka-dotted shirt.

Carissa shivered and he saw the hard points of her nipples rise against the thin fabric. She stilled, looking up at him with a sultry, heavy-lidded look before she caught herself and tried to pull away. ‘You know we can’t—’

‘I know. Kisses only.’ Knowing she wanted him as much as he wanted her was strangely satisfying. Even though holding her and knowing he couldn’t have her was an exercise in sexual frustration.

Alexei pulled her closer. He heard a splash but focused instead on that wide, delectable mouth.

‘Alexei?’ Carissa struggled to sit up. ‘I think that was the net going over the side. Alexei?’

‘Leave it.’ He hauled her closer, hand splaying low on her hip. ‘I’ve got more important things on my mind.’

Their gazes collided. A shower of sparks rained down, peppering his body with pinpricks of fire. Her expression changed and in one swift move she grabbed his shirt and tugged his face down to hers.

Alexei covered her lips with his and felt her open up. Despite the turmoil of thwarted lust, he had no desire to pull back. He couldn’t recall ever feeling so...light, so unencumbered by life’s burdens.

Since childhood he’d been focused on the need to survive, to succeed, to secure his place in the world. With previous lovers there’d always been a part of him that wasn’t engaged. That focused on business or fending off unwanted expectations.

With Carissa, he simply enjoyed the moment. He felt just plain happy. It was a revelation.